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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

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Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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For Jesus

August 29, 2021Joshua Ott

We often focus on the negative in life instead of focusing on the positive. It leads to a lot of disappointment. People look at church that way too sometimes. Why is it when people think about church, they think about what church is against. We want to be known for what we are for. Way more than just being about our vision as a church these messages have such powerful application to our personal lives. This week, if you get this one right you have all you need. We are for Jesus.


For Schuylkill County

September 05, 2021Joshua Ott

We actually change our world every day by what we bring to our space. That’s why we are for Schuylkill County. God is for Schuylkill County and has called us to affect our space, our towns, our streets, our relationships by what we bring into our relationships and communities. You may be thinking, who me?. Yes. We change our worlds everyday by what we bring into them. Bring joy, bring hope, bring Jesus. Don’t sit back, complain and wait for someone else to change your world. Let’s change it together.


For You

September 19, 2021Joshua Ott


Better Together

September 26, 2021Joshua Ott