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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

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Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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Because We Win

Resilient faith is a confident faith. Sure, it sounds crazy to celebrate the win early, but maybe that's our problem - we don't live like the victory is already ours. If you belong to Jesus, you’ve already won - Romans says we're more than conquerors. So walk in that victory, not with arrogance but with deep confidence. Declare the truth, defeat the lies, and live like you're on the winning side.
  • January 12, 2025
  • Joshua Ott
  • Resilient
  • Daniel 1 (Daniel’s resolve and victory in Babylon); Ephesians 6:10-13 (Spiritual battle - armor of God); John 10:10 (Enemy’s plan vs. Jesus’ plan for life); 1 John 4:4 ("Greater is He that is in you"); Romans 8:37 ("We are more than conquerors")

Unshakable Faith

Resilient faith is so needed — a faith built on the right foundation, strong enough for the storms life throws at us. Daniel faced exhausting, terrible circumstances, but he knew what God had for him and how God directed him. So when everything went sideways, he was still standing - unshakable. In Matthew 7, Jesus shows us how to build a faith like that: it's tested, tried, and comes from not just hearing but doing what He says. Is your faith resilient? What have you been building your life on?

The Wonder of Christmas

The heart of this season isn’t about us getting everything perfectly in place—it’s about God’s love showing up in the middle of our mess. Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the wise men were all imperfect people with real-life struggles who found themselves at the center of Jesus’ birth. The true wonder isn’t that we’ve managed to make it to church or keep our holiday plans on track; rather, it’s that Jesus came to us, exactly where we are. No matter our background or struggles, there is room at the manger for everyone. Through faith, we can discover real joy and peace because of God’s extraordinary love—a love made tangible in the birth of Jesus.
  • December 24, 2024
  • Joshua Ott
  • Wonder
  • Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-21; Matthew 2:1-2; Luke 2:1-20

The Wonder of A Prepared Heart

Being spiritually ready opens us up to experience the fullness of God’s work in our lives—especially at Christmas. Drawing on the stories of Zechariah and Nicodemus, we see two very different responses to God’s surprises. Both men’s journeys remind us that preparation isn’t just about having every detail handled, but about making room in our hearts for God’s presence. Are we missing God’s movement because we’re too distracted or doubtful, or are we eagerly expecting Him to show up? Through the lens of Luke 1 and John 3, we’re invited to trust God’s love, demonstrated through Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection, and to ask ourselves what else we need to see before we surrender fully to Him.
  • December 22, 2024
  • Joshua Ott
  • Wonder
  • Luke 1:5-25 , 57-80; Luke 1:26-38; John 3:1-17

Christmas in the Old Testament

In this talk we explore how the Old Testament foreshadowed and foretold the coming of Christ, highlighting key prophecies that point to His birth, mission, and victory over sin. The fulfillment of these prophecies in Christ underscores God's sovereign plan and assures us that Christ is the ultimate source of security and salvation.
  • December 15, 2024
  • Don Baker
  • Wonder
  • Genesis 3:15; Genesis 12:1-3; 2 Samuel 7:14; Micah 5:2; Numbers 24:17; Hosea 11:1; Jeremiah 31:15; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 9:2-7; Ephesians 1:4

The Wonder of Space

The best places in life are the places where the best stuff happens. These places make us feel something special, and we spend a lot of time trying to recapture those best moments in the best places. Bethlehem was statistically insignificant—which unfortunately is how a lot of people feel. A town of three hundred max was the birthplace of Jesus. See you can never say "well not me, not here" when it comes to Jesus. He wants to give you new life too, no matter who you are or where life has taken you. He is working everything for you to find the best place… a place with him. Just make room.

The Wonder of With

Let’s be real—life moves fast. We’re busy, distracted, and constantly hit with more than we can handle. It’s so easy to lose that sense of wonder. But if we could just hit pause, we’d see something incredible: God is with us. Joseph felt it too—overloaded, overwhelmed, and facing the worst. But right in the middle of his mess, God showed up. With a plan. With a purpose. And with a promise: You’re not alone. That name Emmanuel? It’s more than just a Christmas word. It’s a promise that God is with us—through failure, through pain, through it all. Nothing can separate you from His love. His presence is the light that overcomes our darkness. Let that sink in. God is with you. He’s for you. And He keeps His promises.

Stumped by Hope

Hope, for people of faith, is resilient, powerful, and sustaining—not mere wishful thinking. Its strength depends on what you place it in. Is your hope too small or misplaced? True hope thrives even in the darkest moments when rooted in Jesus. Be intentional: place your hope in Him, and watch it grow into a sustaining force, even in life’s hardest trials.

What Gets in the Way

There is an obstacle to your mental health, and it’s you. Just like when we refuse to ask for directions, or double down on an argument already lost, sometimes our pride prevents us from getting the help we need. Pride can mean different things, but the definition of the negative context of the word is having an inflated view of self. Our importance, abilities, self-centered-mess all are inflated. It isn’t always coming across as arrogant. Sometimes our pride looks like an extremely low view of self. Pride is a huge barrier to our journey towards health and towards God. The best example is found in 2 Corinthians 12:5-10. In this passage Paul embraces his weakness so that he can see God’s power made perfect in him. There is so much healing and help in having a right view of self. That is true humility. You are so valuable…and you are also broken and in need of a God who loves you and wants to do something new and great in your life

Charles Templeton and Billy Graham: Two Men, Two World Views, Two Destinies

In this talk, Pastor Baker explores Charles Templeton and Billy Graham and talks about their world views and destinies. It's a choice everyone must take.

Worry and Missing the More

Worry. It’s not the same as anxiety. Anxiety is a generalized feeling of fight or flight. It is a systematic and exaggerated response to a trigger. Worry is practical, day-to-day concern mongering. The difference is between a condition and a decision. No wonder Jesus tells us in Matthew 6 to make a choice to not worry. He goes on to talk about "the more." Life is more than what you are worried about. Your body (God’s design) is more. You are more valuable to Him. He is more powerful and better than we ever thought. Break the cycle of worry. Focus on the moment. Trust God. Practice gratitude. Get in a good prayer rhythm.
  • November 03, 2024
  • Joshua Ott
  • I'm Fine
  • Matthew 6:25-34; Exodus 3-4; Luke 10:38-42; Philippians 4:6-7

Hello Mr Negative

There are all kinds of negative characters. It isn’t just Negative Nancy. Here family is just as messed up. Critical Carl, Perfectionist Patricia, pessimistic Peter, inadequate Ian, catastrophic Cathy, overthinking Olivia and so many others. Left unchecked out negative thinking consumes us and distorts our view of life. It’s a spiritual problem and there is hope to be experienced through the renewing of our minds. Take your negative thoughts captive and replace the space with some incredibly positive gifts from God.
  • October 27, 2024
  • Joshua Ott
  • I'm Fine
  • Numbers 13:25-14:23; Proverbs 23:6-7; Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8

The Desert of Loneliness

Loneliness is a serious issue that is on the upswing. 10% of people deal with it on a daily basis and 30% feel lonely weekly. It is an epidemic and it is not a respecter of persons. The effects are devastating. Where is God when we are lonely? The story of Hagar and her son is a powerful story reminding us that God sees us, provides for us and gives us his presence to help us through the lonely spaces.


Feeling stuck dramatically affects our mental health. We can feel stuck in our circumstances, I. Our relationships, in guilt and shame, purposelessness, fear, bitterness, comparison…. It is a long list. Paul was literally stuck in prison yet he wrote a letter that in the Bible is called the Book of Joy. It’s Philippians and in chapter 3 verses 12-14 we learn his key to living un-stuck. Paul was able to experience the freedom Christ came to give us and we can too, no matter what our circumstances look like.

The Good Shepherd

The good shepherd wants to lead you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death to his home in heaven. He promises to be with you every step of the way. Following you with a desire to cover you with His loving kindness.

Overwhelmed much?

Feeling overwhelmed? I think most of us are. Or at least in today’s fast paced, high expectation world most of us will face feeling overwhelmed at some point. It might be triggered by work, or home, or relationships, or by trying to keep all of those things in balance; however we end up there it is a smothering, paralyzing feeling. It impacts how we think, feel, behave and believe. This passage teaches us that realizing it is not all up to you, shifting your focus towards God, praying short prayers and doing little things while trusting the results to God will help you start to see your way through the weight of feeling overwhelmed.

Lowkey Depressed

Depression is tough. It isn’t just sadness. It’s a desperately empty, dark, hopeless state. It is an imbalance of Gods design. Psalm 88 gives us a tough picture into the heart cry of a person who was really struggling with the darkness. This is the “saddest” Psalm. But in the sadness there is help and hope. If you are struggling with depression please know your feelings aren’t permanent. They change. There is always hope with God.

Anxiety and Waves

Life will throw unrelenting waves at you. Challenges that will mess with your balance. Some of them are big and some are small. When you are worn down, even the littlest wave can knock you off balance and send you crashing down. Anxiety works like that. Our brains get overloaded and our fight or flight response gets triggered. The unrelenting waves become harder and harder to deal with. We need a hand—some need help. You can see the anxiety output for David in Psalm 139, especially verses 17-24. Fortunately, David pauses enough to invite God in. This message has some real tools to help you walk through your anxiety.

About What You Lost (Grieving)

Grief is something we will all experience at some point in our lives. It might be the loss of someone or a relationship or dream. Regardless of what you are grieving, it is so important to mourn. Don’t run. Don’t hide from it. Grieve. In this message, we look at the story of Naomi found in the book of Ruth. She had so much. She lost so much. It was bitter. But God worked in her circumstances to bring life to what she thought was over. God brought joy out of the bitterness. It felt over. But it wasn’t. This is such an important topic. Jesus tells us that those who mourn are blessed because they will be comforted. Romans teaches us that a practical way we show love is by grieving with those who grieve.

I'm Afraid

Fear is often running under the surface. Fuel for the struggles we have with our mental health. As tough as we want to act everyone has a weak spot. Elijah was a warrior prophet. He had lived so courageously. He had done some incredibly bold and brave things. Yet in a moment of weakness, he gets hit with an empty threat and it blows up his world. Fear untethered will drive your life diminishing the voice of God and your faith. Fortunately, he met him in the middle of his fears and he'll meet you in the middle of yours. We need to tether our fears to know His presence, to see His provision, and to hear His voice. God is bigger than what scares you. He is gentle and good. He wants to speak peace to your troubled soul.

I'm Fine

If you had asked me how I was doing in the middle of my own mental health crisis, I would have told you “I’m fine.” I was far from fine. Maybe you are too. You aren’t fine, you’re lonely, depressed, anxious, grieving. You might even feel like there is something wrong with you. After all, everyone else seems to be smiling. The reality is their smiles are often hiding deeper fears and concerns. You aren’t alone. You aren’t broken beyond repair. There is hope. Jesus made this two-sided promise in John 16:33. In this world you will have trouble. The language of the verse gives us the idea of being squeezed by pressure. Physical and emotional pressure. It is reality. But it is a reality with hope. He ends that verse by saying take heart because he has overcome. God cares about you and your mental health. He invites you to something better. You don’t have to walk through this alone. He is the God of peace who can give you perfect peace as you learn to lay the whole weight of your troubles on

Faithfulness Through Failure

We all fail. Failing is a part of life, but so is responding. How do you respond to failing? In this message, we’ll look at Peter’s story and learn how we can continue to walk in faithfulness to God, even in the midst of our failures.

Just Add Flour

Some of our biggest mistakes come when our souls are hungry and we seek satisfaction outside of what God has for us. Just because something looks good doesn't mean it is good for us. Thankfully God provides for the needs of his people even in the dry spaces of life. With Him, the seemingly mundane obedience has divine significance. He can turn harm into a blessing. He can draw the toxic out of our lives. Just add flour.

Discovering the Mystery


Teach Me


God Cares More

Jonah is having an epic meltdown in chapter four. Like most of our meltdowns, it is driven by a narrow focus and a selfish heart. He chooses anger in light of his perception that justice has failed. That is often why we choose anger too. But don’t forget that you are the recipient of grace, the benefactor of God’s patience, and the object of His pursuit. God cares more. He is patient. He loves everyone, everywhere even the enemy down the street or sitting next to you. He is compassionate. True love and justice are found in perfect balance in Jesus. When it seems wrong to you what will you choose? Trust or anger?

It Can't Be That Simple

We often overcomplicate things. Sometimes when looking for answers we look for the big, dramatic, or flashy. What if the answer we are looking for is just simple obedience? Want to know God’s will? Simple obedience. Need to find your way through a mess? Simple obedience. Jonah has come to a point where he finally is attentive, has a willing heart even if it is a bit reluctant, and puts movement into his faith. It’s a great equation for simple obedience and walking through whatever you are walking through. When you say “Yes” to God, you will find that he has been working in ways you can’t see and can transform any situation to bring about his purpose.

The Second-Teenth Chance

We find Jonah at the start of Chapter 3 right back where he started. New day. New opportunity. Second-Teenth chance (because you never just get 2.) There was a lot of damage done and that is something that Jonah would have to carry but the fresh start was there for him. Do you need a fresh start? My favorite picture of fresh starts is the one Jesus gave to us in Luke 15. The prodigal son shows us the anatomy of a second chance and it is a beautiful picture. What will you do with your second-tenth chance?

The Right End of You

Jonah has spent three day sand nights in a dark and stinky place. Life is full of places like that. I wonder what took him so long to cry out to God. Sometimes our hard hearts need to be softened. It took Jonah a while but he finally is at a place where he cries out to God and surrenders. Surrender isn't losing. It's the opposite when it comes to our relationship with God. Surrendering is letting go of our illusion of control. Surrender is letting go, yielding, it is a willingness and openness to God. Surrender is freedom. Surrender is hope. Surrender is the right end of you. God hears you. He can bring your life out of whatever pit you find yourself in. No other god cares about you like the one true God.

The Wrong End Of You

Things always escalate when running from God, which takes a toll on us internally. Jonah is not in a good spot physically, emotionally, or spiritually. He doesn’t suggest turning back or asking God for forgiveness when confronted with his efforts to run from God. He thinks the only way out is to be dumped into the rough sea. The expected outcome was extremely dark. God, however, meets Jonah in his worst moment with grace experienced in a big fish. That saves his life and helps him get his heart back to where it belongs.

The Runners

Running involves an act of will—a choice to run in response to something. The story of Jonah is a story of running from God. Running from God is complex. In this message, we discuss what it means to run from God and why we run. It never turns out as we expect. It is an empty journey and it costs us and others so much. Fortunately, God is a God who uses the wind to frustrate our efforts in the wrong direction. He shakes up our lives to get our attention and he uses the voices of others to wake us up. Don’t miss out on your meaning and purpose by running from God. Instead run to Him, run with Him.


Jesus claims to be the "true" (right and faithful) vine. Not only does he produce in us a different and better kind of life but he also will never let us down. This is very encouraging considering all the empty promises from things and people who can’t deliver what we need to live full and fruitful lives. The key is to abide in Christ. It means to remain. To continually remain or stay close to. This message gives us three ways Jesus produces more fruit in our lives and three ways we can continue to remain close to Jesus


This should be a comforting passage. Jesus meant it as one that was both instructive and comforting but… we often only hear what we want to hear or what we fear. Which leads to confusion and hurt. Don’t just hear the scary parts. Don’t just hear the easy parts. There is more to this than just what you fear or want to hear. When you trust God’s plan it brings clarity and peace to your heart and mind.

End Game

Life is hard. Painful even. That is why it is so important to remember that the God of the universe loves us deeply. When you can’t see the hand of God at work trust his heart for you. His timing is best. He knows the end game. You can trust him.

Greener Grass

We are constantly looking for greener grass. The things that seem to promise us a better life often fail. Even people we love can disappoint us. God never fails. He cultivates green pastures I our souls and lives. He is the door to all we hope for, the way through our difficulties, and the way to eternal life. He is the Good Shepherd who cares deeply about us. Listen for his voice.

It's Messy

Life is messy, and it is easy to believe lies about life, us, and God in difficult circumstances. But wherever you are and whatever you are going through, God is working to bring good out of the bad for those who love Him. What if your current circumstances aren’t punishment but an opportunity to experience growth and watch God work in your life? Some people will oppose you moving forward, but Jesus sees you, knows you, and will lead you through the mess to something beautiful.

When the Lights Go Out

It's hard to walk in darkness. It's difficult to see, confusing, disorienting, and easy to get tripped up and lose our way. Thankfully, Jesus declares in the middle of all the fading lights in our lives that he is the light of the world. He is the one who gives life and helps us see its beauty. He is the one we look to for hope. And his promise to all those who follow him is that we will never walk in darkness.


Don’t settle for less, Jesus is “Him.” He is essential to our lives and our eternity. And, as amazing as they are, let’s not get hung up on the miracles or the bread. He has even greater plans for us. The only things in our way are the roadblocks we make.

The Transcender

Some troubles seem to overshadow everything else. We can let them demand time and energy from us, and take no ground in the process. Or, we can turn to Jesus, who transcends the chaos and guides us through.

Poolside Rule-breaker

This Talk centers around a beautiful miracle, the third in this series. It’s set at the "Pool of Mercy," a misleading name because, the truth is, it was a mess. It’s where the sick and outcast of society were left, hoping for healing. In just such dark and impossible spaces, Jesus invades with strength, power, and hope.


Jesus did some unbelievable things. He spoke words that were astonishing, beautiful, and heart-wrenching all at once. We can get hung up on those things, much like most people did in the days Jesus walked the earth. But if we stop there, we miss the whole purpose of Jesus; we miss who He is.

The Winemaker

Let’s dig into the first of seven signs in the book of John that prove who Jesus is. John wastes no time and delves right into the incredible truth about Jesus. Not a prophet, a teacher, or a fake, but God in the flesh.

Known for What We Are For

This is the tenth and final of our foundational principles. Through our services, our groups, our communications—how we treat people—we will be known for something. But the X factor is: for what? In everything we do, the relationships we prioritize and tend to, we will be known for what we are for.
  • February 25, 2024
  • Joshua Ott
  • Guiderails
  • John 8:1-11 , Hosea 6:6 , 1 John 4:8-9 , Deuteronomy 30:11-16 , 19-20 , John 3:16-17 , Romans 5:8 , 20-21 , and 6:23

Building on the Rock of Jesus Christ

A structure is only as sound as its foundation. So pursuing anything before God, even good and beneficial things like family or education, will eventually lead us away from Him. To stand the storms of life, our foundations must be laid on the rock. Our guest speaker shows us the importance of building our lives on Jesus—and a realistic look at living it every day.
  • February 18, 2024
  • Rick Schweizer
  • Guest Speakers
  • Matthew 7:24-27 , Luke 6:46-49 , Exodus 33:21 , Deuteronomy 32:18 , Isaiah 17:10 , 2 Samuel 22:2 , Psalm 18:2 & 31 , Psalm 40 , Hebrews 12:26-29

We’re Not Perfect, But We’re Growing

We’ve all experienced times or circumstances where we don’t feel good enough. Feeling like a failure can even be something we battle daily. When viewed through the wrong lens, it’s easy to want to give up. But if we grasp perfection is unrealistic and seek God’s strength in our weakness, we find hope that sustains the journey ahead.
  • February 11, 2024
  • Joshua Ott
  • Guiderails
  • Mark 9:14-27 , Philippians 3:12 , Romans 3:22-24 , Deuteronomy 28:13


We make choices every day. Some are of little consequence. Some we make automatically. The clothes we wear, food we eat, how we spend free time, and the words we say are just a few. Today we are challenged to apply the fruits of the Spirit to our every day choices.

We Don’t Maintain, We Multiply

This is the eighth of our ten guiding principles because we know just maintaining is the platform for decline. But when we seek growth, personally and spiritually, we thrive. The approach doesn’t require obtaining a degree or memorizing the right scripture. It’s simple. When we earnestly seek God, the excitement of what He’s doing in us speaks for itself.

We Do Less Better to Do More Later

More sounds good. Today’s consumer culture endorses it. More space, more money, more stuff — yes, please! But more is immeasurable; when is it enough? Buying lands us in a never-ending pursuit that drains and dissatisfies us. Though packaged as a one-size-fits-all solution more is seldom the answer. Thankfully, there is another way. This alternate route results in fulfillment, peace, and purpose.

We Get The Kids Are Our Now

Amidst all the pursuits people get caught up in, the real stuff often falls to the wayside. It’s never the intention, but it’s too easy to lose sight of what is most important in the world's hustle. Our kids don’t deserve just a wing and a prayer. They need our intentional efforts now. And, in raising them well, we could learn a few things from them.

The One About Wisdom

Wisdom is one of those things we could always use more of. Getting it begins with wanting it and ends with asking God for more of it. Wisdom protects us, elevates us and helps us go further and longer in life.

Come Dine (A New Year's Message)

There are places in life that seem to hold the anticipation for something next… something new. For the disciples that space was this beach where Jesus met them after his resurrection. Peter was dragging way more into it than God had required. We do that, too. We drag around stuff that we don’t need to do. Maybe you are even dragging some of this stuff into the new year. Thank God for the blessings in your life, and also thank him for the unbroken nets. He got you through. He will take you forward, but first, the invitation is just to come with Him. Before you do anything or change anything, spend some time with the creator of the universe. Guard that space. Then, walk in grace as you move forward.

It’s The Journey That Gets Me

We elevate the journey with catchy lines and good intentions, but the strategy isn’t foolproof. The journey can be as painful, challenging, and lonely as the destination. It’s uncertain. Our experiences and what we anticipate about our destination make up the journey. But our best efforts can’t compare with the wonder-working power of journeying with Jesus.

Behold Our God

Behold here is your God. This inspiring message takes an amazing look at the character of God and the great comfort we can find in knowing Him. A timely message out of Isaiah 40 for our Christmas season. In the midst of all the chaos… Behold here is your God.

Are You Serious?

Sung of as a “silent night,” we romanticize the Christmas story; a glorious star cuts through the darkness as the world's Savior is born. The reality of this beautiful story is riddled with trials, much like our own. A closer look reveals deeper beauty and meaning in the mess. It proves our need for a savior and promises hope.

We Stay Relevant and Strong

Trends are defined by time, space, and culture; they are always in flux and primarily out of our control. We need something strong enough to last beyond the latest fads. Something unchanging. God’s Word is the only wholly reliable thing we can put our faith in. It transcends our circumstances, feelings, and even the fads of tomorrow.
  • November 26, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Guiderails
  • 2 Timothy 3:16 , Matthew 24:36 , 1 Peter 1:25 , Psalm 1:3 , Acts 17:16-34

We Get Big And Stay Small

What do big dreams and small steps have in common? They’re both crucially necessary to grow. Vision without action, just like progress without a goal, gets us nowhere. But teamed up, they make an intentional and awe-inspiring path forward. When God-sized dreams are paired with small, faithful steps, we become part of something bigger than we could imagine.

We Kick In Instead of Eat Up

Our third value in this series is about serving. We’re not just talking about checking a box on our to-do list. We’re taking a magnifying glass to this topic and looking at the hurdles (because it’s not always easy) and the profound benefits (because it’s always beneficial) of giving of ourselves. And overall, why it’s so important.

People Are Second

Keeping people below Jesus and above all else takes intention. Otherwise, we drift and start pursuing other, lesser things. It’s easy to miss that what we need isn’t found in stuff. And, counter-intuitive as it may sound, putting others before ourselves is more fulfilling than seeking our desires.

We Keep Jesus Center

Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Guilty. When our priorities are imbalanced, we feel it. Keeping Jesus at the heart of our lives won’t simply bring us peace, and it’s not just a good idea. It is the way. Let's look at the importance of keeping him center and discuss how to do it.
  • October 29, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Guiderails
  • Matthew 6:33 , Colossians 1:15-20 , 2:9-10 , Luke 10:38 , John 14:6

Don’t Be A Gong

It’s easier to think about loving the people close to you better. We could get on board with that. But we are called to love everyone. And if it were just a feeling, we’d be in trouble, but actual love goes way deeper than feels. Love is an action and a choice. Understanding that love is so much bigger completely transforms relationships and lives.
  • October 22, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • People Problems
  • Matthew 22:34-40 , 1 Corinthians 13 , 1 John 4:7-12 , John 13:34 , Romans 12:9-21


Loneliness unchecked distorts. The longer we ignore it, the heavier it gets—the more significant the burden, the deeper the pain. So, we rush instead of waiting to fill the void as quickly as possible. Instant gratification sounds good when we’re worn out by loneliness, but the peace and wholeness God offers is the real thing.

The Monster in Your Home: Ego

It starts subtly…but the consequences are enormous. Ego is the unhealthy belief in our own importance and wreaks havoc in our relationships. There is a balance to self-view, but too far left or just far enough right gets it all wrong. Let’s talk about ego and find a healthy perspective.
  • October 08, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • People Problems
  • Proverbs 13:10 , 16:18 , 29:23 , Daniel 3 , 4:28-36 , James 4:6 , Philippians 3:12 , Romans 12:3

Broken Forgiveness

Unwillingness to forgive is how we look to protect ourselves. We think it will keep us from being hurt or taken advantage of again. But it really builds a wall between us and everyone else, including God. Discovering the keys to forgiveness is empowering. And choosing it is freeing.

People Pleasing

Though we need to care on some level what others think, we can care too much. When we allow ourselves to be manipulated for fear of disappointing others, it doesn’t just affect us physically, socially, and emotionally; it affects us spiritually. But there is a healthy balance, and it’s found in Jesus.
  • September 24, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • People Problems
  • John 12:42-46 , Galatians 1:10 , Isaiah 40:29 , Psalm 28:7-8 , Nehemiah 8:10b , 2 Corinthians 12:9 , Matthew 15:39 , John 5:41

Keep It Simple

Life tempts us to run in so many directions. Bombarded with opinions, we can easily be derailed and disoriented. But God has a plan for each of us, a fulfilling purpose. We miss it when we overcomplicate things. The right choice isn’t usually easy, but it’s simple: follow Jesus. He’s not hiding in heaven or far across an ocean. He is right there with you.

Dealing With Conflict

Conflict is going to happen. Hoping to float through life without a hitch is unrealistic. But that doesn’t mean we are powerlessly subject to it. There is a way through that honors God. We can be well-equipped and prepared for when it inevitably comes our way.
  • September 10, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • People Problems
  • Genesis 13:5-8; 1 John 4:20; Matthew 5:9; James 4:1-3; 1 Peter 3:7; Matthew 5:23-24

Boundaries Part 2

We know boundaries are essential. God set them, and Jesus modeled them. But establishing them is just the beginning. Boundary breakers still test our limits sometimes, and the opposition gets stronger the closer we get to a breakthrough. Let’s look at how we can be prepared to protect our carefully laid boundaries.


Setting boundaries can be really challenging. Sometimes we don’t even realize we lack them. Other times, we worry about confrontation. But boundaries are an important part of God’s plan for relationships, and he provides the perfect way to establish them.


Negative. Critical. Cynical. Like the Israelites in the desert, freshly rescued from slavery, that’s us sometimes. We always see the cup half empty. We often forget it’s a choice. We can choose how we look at things and follow a mighty God who redeems everything.

My Story, His Glory

There’s no denying: we are short-sighted. Everyone experiences times of questioning God amidst tragedy. “If only” moments we can’t imagine anything good could follow. Things may not go how we expect, but we can always rely on the goodness of God.

Motivated By Love

In a world where everyone tries to get ahead and level up, humility can feel unnatural and contrary. But thankfully, Jesus is an incredible teacher. His captivating sermons and parables simplify heavenly concepts, and his life upheld everything he preached. Today, we’re diving into his teaching and example of selfless serving.

The Armor of God


Your Circle Matters

When discussing the quality of your life, few things matter more than your circle. Your circle is made up of the people you surround yourself with. The true trajectory of your life is discovered simply by looking at the company you keep. Hang out with chaotic people, and you’ll invite chaos into your life. Drama leads to more drama. What have you unintentionally invited into your life because you haven’t been paying attention to who is in your circle? This message dives into the characteristics you need from people in your circle.

A Living Sacrifice

While the world seeks to conform us (an external change), God transforms us from the inside out. We are gifted with a fulfilling, new life when we accept God. What the world offers can never satisfy us because we are made for eternity. So living in the world can be a challenge. It takes vigilance, intention, and a renewed mind.


We’re going there; the touchy topic of anger. A leading player in relationship complications, anger is just part of the iceberg above the water. Let’s dissect this complex emotion and discuss how to communicate it correctly.
  • July 09, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • People Problems
  • Ephesians 4:26-31 , James 1:19 , Proverbs 14:29 , 15:1-2 , 25:28 , Isaiah 26:3 , Jonah

Responding to God’s Mercy

God's compassion and mercy are beautiful and boundless. We can admire Him for that and be grateful, that it? Should we keep Him to ourselves? This talk digs deep into how God’s goodness should change our lives.
  • July 02, 2023
  • Josh Daubert
  • Guest Speakers
  • Romans 12:1-8 , Philippians 3:20 , 2 Corinthians 5:17 , 1 Timothy 4:12 , Philippians 1:6 , 1 John 3:16

Living a Life That Demonstrates God's Great Love pt. 2

As Christians, we have been called by God to live a life that demonstrates His great love for man. It’s not what we look like, but how we live. It’s not presentation but perspective. It’s not an issue of appearances but of attitudes.

Living a Life that Demonstrates God's Great Love

As Christians, we have been called by God to live a life that demonstrates His great love for man. It’s not what we look like, but how we live. It’s not presentation but perspective. It’s not an issue of appearances but of attitudes.

It’s Not Just What You Say

The tongue holds the power of life and death. The words we say can deeply devastate or encourage greatly. It’s our choice to make. We don’t usually stop long enough to make a calculated choice. And that pause makes a world of difference.

No Room for Resentment

Resentment starts small. By holding onto hurt, embarassment, disappointment, frustration, and anger, we create fertile ground for resentment to thrive. It’s ugly and messy. But with a few simple keys and intention, we can experience freedom.

A Better Way

Relationships are complicated, even disappointing, and painful at times. But they are also necessary; we were made for them. Through them, we grow. Relational health determines the richness of our lives. When handled intentionally, our relationships can be beautiful and genuinely fulfilling. They can be all they are meant to be when we give God control.

Rise Up: When You Don’t Know

There are some uncomfortable places to not have the answers; like helping your kids with homework, or giving your opinion after totally spacing out. Then there are some unbearable spaces to not know. It can feel impossible to move forward when hung up one of life’s big questions. That’s where trusting God comes into play, and it makes all the difference.

Rise Up: Out of Your Comfortable Fallback

We love to be comfortable. Everyone’s got things, people, or places they go to for comfort. They are blessings to be grateful for. But sometimes the pursuit of comfort turns into a goal, the be- all, end-all of existence...which is when we miss out on what God has for us.
  • April 30, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Rise Up
  • John 21:1-14 , 2 Corinthians 1:3 , Psalm 94:12 , Lamentations 3:23-24 , Hebrews 12:2

Rise Up: Through Doubt

Wrestling with doubt is something we all do. Going through rough times amplifies our questions. But asking questions is essential to growth. It pushes us to examine our faith, developing and strengthening it. Though, at times, doubt can be dangerous. The difference is knowing how to handle it.
  • April 23, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Rise Up
  • John 20:24-29 , Genesis 3 , James 1:5-8 , Matthew 11:2-3 , Psalm 34:8

Rise Up: Out of Discouragement

Discouragement is part of life. Where we go amid discouragement is important. Two disciples, barely mentioned in the Bible, encountered Jesus on the day of His resurrection. They were wandering, confused, and letdown. Jesus knew exactly what they needed...and He knows what we need too.
  • April 16, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Rise Up
  • Luke 24:13-35 , Philippians 3:10 , Ephesians 1:19-20

The Tipping Point

A critical point in a situation beyond which a significant and unstoppable effect or change takes place. One experience can change the direction of our lives. But sometimes, that tipping point eludes us. It’s frustrating when hope never becomes a reality. In this talk, we’re looking honestly at the ultimate tipping point.

Sounds Harsh

Has a close friend ever sat you down for a sobering conversation? One that, if you weren’t talking with a friend, would have been offensive or painful? But knowing the conversation came from a deep place of concern and love, you were able to take it in the right context. Jesus spoke plainly, because of His great love for us. Knowing God’s heart is key to understanding His message.

Finding Your Purpose

It’s the age-old question: Why am I here? The longer it goes unanswered, the more restless we become. Our souls get agitated; we look for a scapegoat and finally settle in defeat. But take heart because there is an answer. Discovering it is a journey. Knowing your “why” leads to fulfillment essential to your world.
  • March 19, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Same You
  • Psalm 139:13-16 , Jeremiah 29:11 , Ephesians 1:4 , Romans 8:28 , Hebrews 11 , Hebrews 6:1 , Acts 1:8 , Matthew 5:13-16 , 6:37 & 22:37-39

Being Content

We tend to think more money, a new job, or a different relationship is the key to happiness. That adding or subtracting the right elements will equal contentment. Read “everything would be perfect if only...” But contentment is not math or found in a greener pasture. It’s a state of being.
  • March 12, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Same You
  • Ecclesiastes 4:4-6 , Philippians 4:10-19 , 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

The Potter and the Clay

Is God an unrelenting tyrant? Is He a pushover? Does He waiver, making demands of us sometimes and taking an apathetic stance toward others? We know God reigns, but how? With the aid of a simple parable, this Talk reveals the extraordinary character of God and our relationship with Him.

I Don’t Have it All Together, But I’m Growing

We tend to be our own biggest resister when we hold ourselves up to unrealistic expectations. But growth is not linear; it’s messy. Without God’s grace, we blame ourselves for the mess and miss out. Let’s take a deeper look at the key to spiritual growth.
  • February 26, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Same You
  • Romans 7:14-25 , Galatians 5:1 , 2 Corinthians 3:17 , Psalm 119:45 , Philippians 3:12 , Jeremiah 12:2 , 2 Peter 3:18 , Galatians 5:22-23 , Philippians 1:6 , 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 , Luke 17:5 , 1 Peter 2:3 , Colossians 2:6

Resisting the Resisters

Resistance makes life harder. It can come from friends, parents, peers, and employers, and it starts before we even take our first steps in the right direction. Giving into cynicism is choosing defeat. But we can learn how to turn down those critical voices and resist the resisters.

Same You: Piper Down and Listen

Life pulls us in so many directions. There's no shortage of voices, opinions, and expectations. In all the noise, it can be hard to pinpoint what’s really important. But if we slow down, quiet down, and listen for God, we find He is not only with us, but speaking to us too.
  • February 12, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Same You
  • 1 Samuel 3:1-11 , Mark 4:23 , Deuteronomy 30:11-14 , John 10:3-5 , Romans 10:17 , Proverbs 8:34 , Isaiah 55:1-3

Same You, Little Faith

Small things can make a big difference. A smile. A “thank you.” The final piece to a puzzle. Sometimes the absence of that little thing is detrimental. Be encouraged; maybe the thing you need this year is something really little, like small faith, placed in a really big God.
  • February 05, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Same You
  • Matthew 17:14-20 , 2 Corinthians 5:7 , Hebrews 11:1 , Mark 9:23

Same You, New Field

If you’ve ever felt hopeless, like there was no way out and no proof that anything would change, surrounded by enemies - you’re not alone. In scripture, we have countless examples of God working miracles amid tragic circumstances. The key is placing trust in God. It’s listening for His voice and following through, no matter how counterintuitive the direction seems.
  • January 29, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Same You
  • Deuteronomy 31:6; Isaiah 40:31;Hebrews 11:1;Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 29:11

The Holiness of God

Understanding God’s holiness is key to knowing Him. Our culture has a tendency to downplay who God is; He’s a genie, a myth, or some distant entity we could never hope to understand. Since we aren’t equal to God, it can be challenging to view Him accurately. Let’s take a renewed look at God and His defining characteristics.

Same You, Because You are Enough

Are we enough? The answer is a bit of a paradox. Plenty of days, we don’t feel like we are - we make mistakes with our families and at work. Our words and actions don’t always align with what we know is right. But God’s grace, power, and purpose are completely transforming.
  • January 15, 2023
  • Joshua Ott
  • Same You
  • Judges 6-7;Exodus 3-4;John 6:5-13;Psalm 139:14;Luke 12:6-7;Genesis 1:27;Isaiah 43:4;Isaiah 49:15;1 Corinthians 6:20;Zephaniah 3:17

Same You, New Vibe

At the start of every year, it's tempting to pursue a new goal towards self-improvement. But the challenges we typically take on are really saying, “if I can change enough, my life will be better.” And while desiring improvement is a great frame of mind, more of ourselves won’t bring about the kind of change we need.

Crank it Up Christmas

We inadvertently categorize people and circumstances into "good" or "bad" categories when it’s not that simple. Life is complicated. But God takes our complex, uncertain spaces and can use them to bring incredible outcomes. He is faithful and present in the midst of our storms, and when we trust Him, we reap unimaginable blessings.

Simmer Down

It’s hard to see clearly when we’re operating in fear and confusion. Calm, logical thinking and functioning can go out the window when reality doesn’t match our expectations. The good news is those circumstances that make us feel lost, confused, or disappointed are exactly where we find Jesus. It’s just that type of place; we need to be interrupted by Him.

The Power of Encouragement

Words are powerful. But our actions are just as important. Encouraging words and actions build up confidence, beliefs, attitude, and actions; they define us. Encouraging one another leads to sustainable, genuine change. The opposite, criticism, produces short term change at best, and builds resentment. Be an encourager who motivates and brings out the best in people.
  • December 04, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • The Power Of
  • James 3:3-6; Acts 4:36; Acts 9:26; Acts 11:22-26; Acts 13:6-12; 1 Thess. 5:11; Romans 15:5

The Power Of Gratitude

Grateful people are happier and healthier. Yet moments of gratitude quickly pass us by because we aren’t looking for what we have to be grateful for, or we miss the opportunity to show gratitude. So make it who you are, not just something you do. Be a grateful person. Look for what you have to be grateful for, don’t let the moment pass you by, and express that gratitude.

The Power of Generosity

Money and church. What an awkward conversation because there are so many bad at-best messages out there twisting what the Bible says about money. So many of you have been manipulated or made to feel guilty about giving money to churches, and it doesn’t sit well with us. Yet, God talks a lot about money in scripture. It makes sense since it can have such a huge grip on our lives. And we are grateful for the teaching because money makes a terrible master, and there is such joy, freedom, and wealth in living generously.
  • November 20, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • The Power Of
  • Matthew 6:24; Deuteronomy 8:10-18; Malachi 3:6-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-9; Mark 12:41-44

My Place in the Body of Christ

The church needs every believer to use their gifts to change the world. We need the church as a place where we can use our gifts and so receive the blessing of the fruit of the Spirit.

Head and Heart

Trust grows with knowledge about the person or thing you place your trust in, and confidence grows with experience. It's a head and a heart thing. We have been talking so much in this series about how we think. When you engage both your mind and your heart in your journey with God, your faith really clicks, and you find yourself being more courageous, your strength grows, you are anchored, and your life is full in so many good ways. Give God your head and your heart.

The Troubled Mind

Sometimes we find or create our own trouble, but other times trouble just finds us. Even when we are doing everything right. And when it does, it doesn’t take much to send us spiraling. If you are struggling with your mental health right now, you aren’t alone. The Bible and this church are filled with people just like you. It may not seem like it, but there is still hope for you.

The Renewed Mind

Even when we really want it, we struggle to change our lives. That’s because real change comes from the inside out, and we often go about it from the outside in. What we need is to transform our thinking. It would be nice just to check out, but there is no such thing as the passive middle; you are either passively conforming to a broken system or transforming to new and good places God has for you.

Guarded Thoughts

The peace we experience guards our hearts and minds. Unfortunately experiencing peace these days is a difficult endeavor. Most of us experience more conflict, chaos, and stress than we we experience peace. Fortunately God lays out a path for us to experience more peace in our lives. It is directly connected to how we think, because what we think always plays out in what we do. So to experience more peace we have to start with what we think about.
  • October 16, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Mind the Gap
  • Philippians 4:4-9; Proverbs 17:22; Psalm 103:2; Ephesians 1:3 , Psalm 66:1-9

Stayed On It

What steals your peace is less about the external and more about the internal. It is connected to thoughts we stay on. And we get stuck on what we stay on. Letting go of those thoughts that trap us is way easier said than done. The key is to keep our minds stayed on something else. Big faith and big trust (the kind you need to get through what you need to get through or to let go of what you need to let go of) come from having your mind stay on God.

Breaking The Stronghold

We often don’t think about how we think, but how we think has a profound affect on our lives. Our thoughts drive our actions. To complicate things our enemy, the devil is constantly lying and trying to mess with our heads. What we need is to take a good look at our thoughts and start to take captive every though that has been keeping us captive. We need the truth. We can know the truth through Jesus. We can experience the truth through His word.
  • October 02, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Mind the Gap
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-6; John 8:31-32 , 44; John 14:7; Ephesians 6:10-18


We all have areas of our lives or hearts we would love to see restored. And there are practical things we can do to set us in the right space to experience restoration, but the bottom line is God does the restoring. If you have been feeling overwhelmed or like you can't handle one more thing on your mental list, this is tremendous news. God himself will restore you and make you stronger than you have ever been. All you have to do is just yield to him!

The Resistance

This is all about how we fight our battles, because when you fight wrong everything hurts more. So we don’t fight with flesh and blood, we fight knowing this is bigger than just what we see. We fight knowing we aren’t alone. We fight different. We look for the greater good. We look for the bigger win. We open up, we don’t close off. We carry each other. We pray and we worship, because a perspective shift changes everything.

Head On A Swivel

You have to keep your head on a swivel. Because the attacks can come from anywhere and when we aren’t ready for them they sting so much more. It may be part of the reality we like to ignore but you and I have an enemy who only wants to swallow us up in despair, hopelessness, bitterness and pain. God’s got a better plan. A plan that leads to restoration. Pay attention. Find your balance. Stay calm and steady and you will be ready.

Anxiety Hack

Anxiety can feel like drowning and the water and waves are everywhere. If you are sinking in anxiety, please know you are not alone. There is help for you. Social media is full of anxiety hacks that help, but this message pulls an anxiety hack out of scripture and helps us get on God’s plan for walking through it and finding a fresh and better way to deal with anxiety when it springs up on us. Just take a B.R.E.A.T.H.
  • August 28, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Restored
  • 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm139:17-24; Psalm 46:10 , Isaiah 46:8-10; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; Proverbs 15:22; Proverbs 13:4

Stay Humble

Stay sounds trendy and there are motivational posts all over social media preaching the stay “humble message”, but humility isn’t really trending in our world today. In fact it seems like what we see more and more of is Pride. Humility isn’t putting yourself down it is seeing yourself in your proper place. Deeply valued but not the center of the universe. Restoration in your life or relationships starts simple: Be more humble.

The Difference Maker

Help’s coming. Jesus wraps up this section of his instruction to his followers with encouragement that while He is leaving, He is sending them The Advocate. A helper. A difference maker. If you have ever wondered if God is for you, if you have wondered if He is with you this encouragement is for you. Deep dive with us to see who this advocate is and what He does for us.

About Love

Love will make you do some crazy things. It is the best motivator, and it is what is most transformative. That’s why it is so sad that so many people who believe in God don’t really know His love for us. It’s a crazy love that Jesus describes to us in this passage. We aren’t motivated by religious rituals, obligations, or a sense of duty. We are motivated by God’s incredible love for us.
  • July 31, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Abide
  • John 15:9-17 , Luke 7:36-50 , Galatians 6:2

On Remind

It is worth repeating high value information and we need to hear some things repeated over and over again before they stick. Jesus is repeating some important stuff in this passage. Mainly that he is the vine and we are the branches and to experience all he has for us we need to remain or abide in Him. By the way, all that he has for us, the fruit, is really awesome stuff and everything we have been searching for in our relationships. Fruitful people are successful where it matters most. Abide to thrive.
  • July 24, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Abide
  • John 15:5-8; Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Chronicles 14-16

An Invitation To Something Better

It is easy to miss stuff in the hectic pace of life. We get busy or distracted or pulled by the expectations of others and sometimes we can miss the best stuff. Jesus gives this invitation to found people, because found people can get distracted and become apathetic. The invitation is to abide and abiding is a choice.

Swept Over

Trouble can be unavoidable and sometimes life hurts. It can feel like waves of anxiety, worry, sadness, stress and grief are unending and buffet against our lives sweeping away our peace and joy. But, some boats don’t sink and you can trust Jesus even in the midst of your current storm. For people of faith we can find comfort in knowing Jesus is in our boat.

The Savior's Footsteps

As a kid on a snowy day, it can be challenging to walk in the snow. So, the easy thing to do is follow the footprints of the person in front of you. In the same way, we need to follow Jesus’ footsteps and look at His interactions with other people. The point of this message is to learn how to see people in the same way God does, and the best way we can do this is by looking at Jesus and how He saw people. Although this is not an easy thing to do, Jesus gave us an example to follow, and it is our job to follow that example.

Who am I?

Who am I? Have you ever asked that question before? Do you ever feel like you have a hard time understanding who you are? It’s not an easy thing to do. It’s easy to view ourselves through the lens of other people, through the devil’s lens, and even through our own lens. We can sometimes struggle to understand our true identity. Moses also asked the “who am I” question. He had a hard time seeing himself in the same way God did, and so do we sometimes. We need to put on God’s Glasses and see ourselves in the same way He does!

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a time of honoring fathers and celebrating their influence on families and in society. We do get left with a question though, and that is, what does a godly father look like? What are the aspects of a godly father, or a godly man? As we look throughout Scripture, we see that it is full of principles on what the good “father figure” looks like. With all these aspects mentioned, they just don’t stop at fathers, but all people are to put these on and be an example of what it means to be a godly man or woman of God!

When God Says No

Have you ever prayed and felt like your prayers were unanswered. Maybe God was saying “No.” God says “yes” a lot, but occasionally God says “no.” It’s hard to understand and it can really test our faith. Sometimes, looking back, we can understand why God answered “no.” But we don’t always know the reason behind it. So, what do we do when God says “no.” This message looks at the bigger picture, the greater grace and the deeper worship that we can experience in those tough moments.

Big Next Steps

God is working. He isn’t far off, distant or uninterested. Instead he is working in and around us to draw us closer to Himself. But, life is complex and we often miss what God is doing in the complexity of our lives. You can miss it, but God is calling you to more. The Ethiopian eunuch is a great example of a complex life, searching and missing something. When he finds it in Jesus it changes everything.

Experiencing Victory

Victory is ours through what Jesus has done for us but experiencing that victory depends on how we approach our giants. Approach is everything. It gets scary as the giants in our life become unavoidable. They highlight our insecurities. But David in this moment was full of courage. A courage we can experience because of the victory Jesus already secured for us. David approached in the name of the Lord, not in his own name or strength. His faith filled him with courage.

Don't Fit the Mold

Don’t try to fit the mold of what a broken system tells you you should be. Also, don’t try to be someone else. Comparison combined with your insecurities can demolish your spirit. But, God has a design for your life. He has equipped you, prepared you and gifted you for whatever it is you face. Don’t try to fit the mold. Be the person God made you to be.
  • May 22, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Champions
  • 1 Samuel 17:38-40; Romans 12:2; Romans 14:3 , Hebrews 13:21; Ephesians 6:10-18

Finding Encouragement

Finding encouragement can be tough. Especially in a highly critical, fast paced, online life that is constantly throwing us discouragement. Your greatest encouragement won’t come from others, it will come from seeing God in your story and from learning to trust Him with your future.
  • May 15, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Champions
  • 1 Samuel 17:34-37; Proverbs 16:24; Matthew 7:17; Romans 8:11

Facing Discouragement

As soon as you step out in faith or try to better your life you will face discouragement. We try to shake out off but it doesn’t always work. Discouragement hurts. It hurts most when it comes from the people who should be supporting us, the people close to us. This message helps us face discouragement. Know who you are and know whose you are!

Face Your Giant

Goliath was a huge problem. So are the giants you face. Some giants are external and some are internal but all are unexpected, intimidating, and intrusive. To face your giant you have to start with a spiritual perspective. The giant is standing between you and the future God has for you. It may be a big giant but God is bigger. Outsource your courage and confidence to God.

Out of the Ordinary

The hero had ordinary beginnings but the right kind of heart. Being faithful in the small things God places in front of you matters. Building character and practicing consistency and faithfulness is an essential step in experiencing victory. Learn to be content without being settled. Learn to find joy in where God has you right now. Learn to be faithful in the small things.
  • April 24, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Champions
  • 1 Samuel 17:17-20 , 1 Corinthians 1:26-30 , 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 , Philippians 4:11-13

Pray More Worry Less

Prayer is such an important part of our spiritual health. It slows us down and reminds us of what is most important: who God is, what He has done for us, who we are to Him. It reminds us that we aren’t alone. It helps us grow, aligns us with what God is doing, and it changes things. Most importantly it changes us. Find your space to pray and create a new rhythm of prayer.

I'm Holding on to Hope

I’m holding on to hope. Sometimes we just need to declare that in the middle of difficult circumstances. Jesus is preparing His disciples for the difficult days ahead. I am going away but I’m coming back. Your moment isn’t forever and your current circumstances aren’t how your story ends. Hope is found in close proximity to Jesus.



I Need Help

It is hard to ask for help. It’s harder to ask for help and not receive any. Those are the moments when our hope and faith starts to slip. But even in those moments of uncertainty God is up to something. This message is all about how to grow your confidence and trust in God.

Part C

Everyone follows someone or something. Who are you following? The path to experience true happiness comes from following Jesus. But, how do you actually follow Jesus? It’s a question we often get asked. In this message we look at practical ways to actually follow Jesus.

Living Right (Part B)

We waste so much energy trying to justify ourselves so we feel better about our choices and fail to acknowledge that we aren’t always right. What is easier, better, and leads to more true happiness is living right. Living the way God designed us to live and following his direction for our lives. The real question is do you believe God is good? If he is, His ways are good for us. So why not let Him be your guide.

Why Me Lord?


The Backwards Path

Happiness isn’t just something to know about it is something to experience. God wants you to experience all he has for you and one way to experience it is to have concern/regard for the weak. ITs backwards. To experience happiness we need less self focus and more care for others. It is simple and something we call can do and yet we all struggle with it sometimes.

Live Light

Happiness isn’t a destination. It’s more like a journey. Something to be experienced along the way, every day. Hard to imagine because most of us re exhausted from carrying the heavy stuff through life. Not the least of which is brought on by ourselves. Jesus came to set us free. Freedom from the heavy...from the guilt and shame. David new this hope that moved him from heavy to free.

Happy Isn't

Happiness is something we all want. We all try to find more of it. But there is a lot of confusion when it comes to happiness. It isn’t the default. Everyone else doesn’t do it better than us. We don’t find it by eliminating bad feelings. The best stuff in life is complex. In Psalm 1 we look at the happiness isn’t progression and how to stop chasing happiness as a feeling and start being in the state of happy.

On the Edge of What's Next

Things are shifting. Sometimes dramatically and sometimes the shifts in life are more subtle. How can you be ready when you are standing on the edge of what’s next. As we start a new year, lessons from Joshua, who was facing the impossible and great uncertainty will help us step into whatever is next in a way that leads us to the best stuff God has for us.

Troubling Surprises

No matter who you are, no matter what life has looked like, no matter how challenging the circumstances you face look, no matter what questions or doubts you have rumbling in your soul…God favors you. It’s such an important thing to know, that there’s a God who created you in His image, a God who loves you, a God who proved that love for you on a cross, a God who favors you without merit.

All In

Most of us want to be "all in" in whatever situation we find ourselves. Do you want God "all in" with you, or just a little? Do you want a little forgiveness, or all? We want all, but we sometimes forget that God wants all too.

Into the Storm

How many of us are asking Jesus to just bail our boat? We aren’t going to the source, we aren’t asking God to do that radical thing, we’re not at the point where we want to ask Jesus to interrupt the struggle or storms in our life.

Jesus is a Source of Grace, Not Drama

Maybe you've been judged, been kept at arm's length, been denied opportunities, been oppressed, or been an outast because of someone else's drama. Jesus is always looking to rise above the drama of others to offer you grace. Stand up, stretch out your hand and be healed.

What's Your Goliath?

We all face giants in our lives, and think that we can't win. Or we could do what David did and depend on God for our help. God is all-powerful and good, and He only wants what it best for you.

Better Together


For You


For Schuylkill County

We actually change our world every day by what we bring to our space. That’s why we are for Schuylkill County. God is for Schuylkill County and has called us to affect our space, our towns, our streets, our relationships by what we bring into our relationships and communities. You may be thinking, who me?. Yes. We change our worlds everyday by what we bring into them. Bring joy, bring hope, bring Jesus. Don’t sit back, complain and wait for someone else to change your world. Let’s change it together.
  • September 05, 2021
  • Joshua Ott
  • Four
  • Acts 8:4-8 , Acts 1:8 , Romans 8:28 , Acts 6:3-4

For Jesus

We often focus on the negative in life instead of focusing on the positive. It leads to a lot of disappointment. People look at church that way too sometimes. Why is it when people think about church, they think about what church is against. We want to be known for what we are for. Way more than just being about our vision as a church these messages have such powerful application to our personal lives. This week, if you get this one right you have all you need. We are for Jesus.
  • August 29, 2021
  • Joshua Ott
  • Four
  • John 3:1-21 , John 14:1-9 , Colossians 1:17

The Other One

Every party has one, and this one represents the critics Jesus was addressing in these parables. The scary thing is the older brother was the other lost one in the passage. His sin was hidden, his pride was out of control, he didn’t love the father just the father’s stuff. There are however a few checks we can keep in front of us to help us keep tabs on our own hearts and whoever you are God still wants you to experience the party.

The Ask and the Aftermath

Sometimes one line can change the trajectory of your day, week, or year. What is astonishing about this passage is the love the father displays for the lost son. He endures the shame , the heartbreak and the humiliation of granting this son’s request. It reminds me of Jesus and his love for us and what he endured on the cross. Jesus sees deeper than your struggle and you don’t have to talk Him into loving you.

The Heart

Lots of different people gather to hear Jesus. Both the notorious sinners and the notoriously religious. The notorious sinners were drawn to Jesus, so why aren’t they drawn to us? This message is about getting unstuck in the weeds of religion and finding the heart of God. A story about sheep to show us that the lost sheep is the object of God’s affection. Let’s be like Jesus.


Jesus ends the sermon on the mount with a lot of contrast that builds to a very important question. What are you building your life on? If you want to still be standing through the inevitable storms in life you need to build your life on something that has overcome. Build your life on Jesus and you will still be standing no matter what happens next.


We get to this amazing part of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus is describing the approachability of God. For a people who thought God was distant and and unconcerned this was a very big deal. Little did they know God wasn’t just approachable He had come to them. What do you want? It is a question Jesus asked a blind man. It is a question that makes us uncomfortable. But it is important to know that has your best ahead of you. Just ask, seek, knock.


Message Info: #Judgemuch, 7/4/2021- The next message in our #BLESSED series focuses on the clarification Jesus provides for us on judging others. The two main points and steps that we need to focus on are humility and accountability. Jesus tells us that we have a plank in our own eye, so we need to humble ourselves and deal with the sin in our lives. After this, we can then help our fellow believers in removing the speck from their eyes, and this is through loving accountability.

You’re Closer Than You Think You Are

Letting go of what once was is always a hard lesson, to let go means we have to face “how do we move forward?” When you are “caught up” in circumstances it is easy to lose faith in the ONE that is always there for you. God is in the business of victorious endings.

Examining Our Driving Force

What is the driving force in your life? Why do we do what we do? These are questions that help us examine our outlook on life. Matthew gives three activities that Christians perform.


This message talks about what is referred to as the hardest ethic from Christ - How to respond to those who hurt you and loving others even your enemies. This is so hard because wrongs hurt and deep inside us there is a call for justice, for life to be fair. Sometimes this translates into the desire to hurt the person back. The law of retribution is flawed and will sink you. Jesus shows us a better way that elevates you and elevates your relationships.


What if you lived your life inside out? Everyone saw what was going on in your heart. In today’s talk we look at the inside out kingdom, a different way. Jesus is saying my way is different, this way to live is better and you need me. Those reminders are so great and when applied to life they show us a new path forward free of empty religion and full of grace.


The next message in our #BLESSED series focuses on the commands that Jesus gave us to be salt and light in our world. We may not realize this, but ANYONE can make an impact; we all have purpose. We need to live in our uniqueness and be an enhancement. We cannot keep our faith to ourselves, but we need to be a light exposing the darkness in the world. Most importantly, we are to do these things so that we can lead others to God and ultimately glorify Him through it all. You can make an IMPACT!


The first message in our #BLESSED series looks at the “Blessed” statements from Jesus. What we think will get us a good life usually doesn’t. Instead what Jesus teaches us is the stuff on the inside and our spiritual journey lead to the fullness He has for us. There is a deeper kind of happy for you. It’s a journey and God cares more about your inside. Don’t miss the best stuff He has for you.

About Pressure

One of the things that exhausts us the quickest is the expectations and pressure we place on ourselves or others place on us. You can’t truly find rest unless you know how to deal with pressure and expectations. This messages takes a look at Jesus and 7 ways he modeled for us to deal with pressure and expectations.

Worn Out

Some things wear you out faster than others. Dysfunction is one of those things. It always flares up at the worst possible moments and it exhausts us on the inside. Whether it is the dysfunction of detour from God’s design, disruption from God’s plan or disappointment the fix is to find a new rhythm and space for rest. Moses had four fortunate spiritual practices that helped him find the rest and confidence he needed to move forward: spiritual rhythm, boundaries. honest relationship with God, and God’s presence.

When Life's a Puzzle


Tired on the Inside

Rest is something God commanded us to do but we struggle to find new space to really rest and so many of us are tired on the inside. This talk looks at a Psalm King David wrote in the midst of despair. This is the reality and reminder we need as we all look to find rest.


Waiting for anything is hard. It’s especially hard when waiting for matters of the heart. This message looks at the last encounter between the disciples and Jesus recorded in the book of John. Don’t fall back into what is comfortable or busy when you get restless. Look back and see how far God has brought you. Let your past trigger grace and reframe your future. God loves you and new beginnings await.

More Than

Thomas is a disciple who had a misunderstood moment stick, labeling him throughout history as “Doubting” Thomas. Thomas is a lot like us. We are more than a bad or unfortunate moment. We are free but not always doing great. The question is: Do you believe God is good? Let your questions be a catalyst to examine your faith and come out the other side stronger.

It’s Not Over, It's Finished

There is a finality to the language “it's over”. A helplessness. It sucks the hope out of life. But Jesus didn’t say "it’s over", He said “it’s finished”, and the difference in those words equals a whole lot of hope. The hope nothing can steal from you.

Don’t Wanna Miss It

It is easy to lose things in translation. We get caught up in the buzz of the right now, what we need right now, what life looks like right now and we miss what God is doing in our lives. That is why it so important to go to the source and the source is Jesus. He’s whats missing when we miss peace and hope and joy.

Isn't It Ironic

The irony of grace is that we have it offered to us and we don’t take it, or we take it but don’t live in it. Instead we sit thinking more or better of the same broken stuff will fix our lives. Jesus offers us a new life, a full life. Time to stop holding on to things that hold us back and start trusting Him and stepping into the best life He has for us.

Had To

God’s purpose in Jesus was for you. This message looks at the mechanism of Grace the cross. Where free for us wasn’t free at all. Jesus cuts the distance to pull the barriers down and make a way for us to be restored through His sacrifice for us. He is the way, the truth and the life.


There are things in life we don’t want to talk about but probably should. Sin is one of those things. The conversation about sin in church, maybe in your past is usually one absent of grace. That’s a huge problem. The bottom line is sin (not just yours, all of ours) wrecks things, but God’s grace is way bigger. This message points to our need for grace and doesn’t just stop there, it celebrates grace and invites us deeper into it.

Grace Is

Good News. It is hard to see when things get difficult. We get so distracted by all the bad news. Grace is like that. It is really good news that gets lost in the shuffle of religion and our efforts to prove ourselves. Grace is beautiful and crazy and it is God’s unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor toward us. He loves us unconditionally.

Finish Strong

The hard part is finishing strong. If you are struggling to get started, are stuck or failed somewhere along the way it should be encouraging to know that it’s not how you start it is how you finish that matters. Paul is teaching Timothy how to finish strong as he lives out an example for us all while he nears the end of his life. 7 ways to finish strong!

What Gets You

It is hard to have confidence and courage during difficult times, especially when Jesus doesn’t feel close to you. Most of us don’t feel like we have really big mountain moving faith, but Jesus never said we had to have big faith, just little faith. Keep focused on Jesus. Your little faith and His big Grace will always equal rescue.

It's Just a Season

Life is full of seasons. Some easy, some hard, all carry a burden. You can’t let a season of your life steal your hope. Even when things aren’t going well you can learn to bear up under the burden of a season and live well. This message is how to make it through the season you find yourself in.

The Secret

I would rather be better than worse but often it feels like the choices in life are between a bad situation and settling for less than what we hoped for. The secret to finding hope in anything is learning to disconnect your satisfaction from your situation. It is learning the state of, the spiritual practice of contentment. This message readjusts our misconceptions about contentment, helps us source it from Christ.

It’s A Mess

Sometimes the mess is the problem. The mess keeps us from experiencing hope and joy. The mess in our heart usually starts small but easily distracts us from what we need most. Jesus went to the temple and flipped the tables. He was passionate about the house of God where people would worship and find the hope they needed. Jesus cleared the mess so people could see God and find the new life He has for them. 1 Corinthians 6:19 and Romans 8:9 teach us that we are the temple. The place where God’s Spirit resides if we have given Him our hearts in faith. Time to clean up the mess and get back to the absolutely amazing experience it is to be close to Him. Let Jesus clean up your heart. Don’t wait to work on the mess.

Jesus is...

You can find hope in anything because Jesus is better...Jesus is still King. Everything eventually runs out except for what is connect to Jesus. Let him flip your life and fill it up. Time to trust Jesus with every area of your life. Jesus is...

The Comfort Trap

Don’t make comfort your goal for this new year. Comfort is nice but it can also be a trap. There is a much better goal for your new year. The better goal is to step into the best life God has for you even if it means following Jesus when you are uncomfortable.

Finding Enough

Maybe you feel like you are out of options, out of time, or don’t have anything significant to offer. Great news! God is enough for you and he can use your “nothing” to do something amazing in your life.

Room Enough to Wait For It

Waiting for a promise can be hard. What starts as excitement quickly turns to agitation, pessimism and even disappointment. The stakes go up the more we want what we are waiting for. It can become a physical experience as we try to keep ourselves faithful in the season God has us in right now. It can be an emotional experience as we try to remind our heart of the things God has promised us and it can become a spiritual exercise as we struggle to move past our doubts and live in faith. We can learn a lot from two characters in the Christmas story who don’t get a whole lot of screen time. Learning from Simeon we can find contentment and we wait with expectation that God is still going to do something amazing in our lives. The key to experiencing that kind of joy…complete joy is found in abiding with Jesus.

Room Enough For You

You can’t understand a moment without understanding the bigger story…the context. Meaning gets lost without the context. Purpose gets lost without the context. But, when you really see the whole context of the Christmas story you can find a bigger context for your story. You find your meaning. You find your purpose. Don’t let the a story that may be a little too familiar to you loose its meaning. It will rewrite your story, no matter who you are, or where you find yourself in this world. There is room enough for you in God’s story.

Room Enough For The Gift

Gifts are an important part of a lot of our Christmas traditions. A gift can tell you a lot about the person receiving the gift but even more about the gift giver. Unfortunately a lot of the gifts we give have a short shelf life before they are stuck in a drawer somewhere forgot, or unused. Our faith can be like that. We can take this amazing gift God has given us in Jesus and treat it like it is fragile, outdated or cheap. This gift of Jesus is timeless, priceless and strong. Time to pull it out of the junk drawer and put it center stage in our lives.

Room Enough to Get Past It

We all have things we have to get past in life. Maybe it is a heartbreak or wound form your past. Maybe you struggle to forgive someone or you have been holding onto anger. Sometimes we are faced with the reality that life isn’t turning out how we expected it to. Life is less than ideal. A lot of space in life is like that and we need to get past it to move from less than ideal to the blessings God has for us. This message will help you see how you can get past what you need to get past.

Room Enough to Trust

It’s easy to have our anxiety triggered when our plans get interrupted and we are anticipating conflict. The bigger our plans the harder they fall. But what if you could move from anxiety to adoration? Mary did. She had room enough to trust God even without all the answers. You can move from anxiety to adoration too. This messages looks at a few things to understand about God that will help get you there.

Searching For Gold

Our abundant life doesn't rest in what we muster up. It doesn't depend on what others can do for us. It depends upon the Lord.

You’re Closer Than You Think You Are

Letting go of what once was is always a hard lesson, to let go means we have to face “how do we move forward?” When you are “caught up” in circumstances it is easy to lose faith in the ONE that is always there for you. God is in the business of victorious endings.

On The Full Send

Lots of different things can lead to our hearts becoming hardened. It is something that can happen to all of us. You can tell when it starts to happen because you become less patient and more apathetic. Jesus knows what your heart needs and He is on the full send to get your heart back to where it belongs.

So Heavy

Pain is so heavy it hurts, and the more it hurts the heavier it makes everything else. Pain and suffering steals clarity and drains our faith, and it's the biggest challenge many of us will face. It can also raise our biggest questions about God and life, but God is at work in all of our painful circumstances to draw good out of the bad.

When It's Good It's All Good


Stuck in Your Head


The Art of the Wait


I Smell Trouble

  • October 11, 2020
  • Joshua Ott
  • Peace Thief
  • Genesis 32:7-8 , Galatians 4:7 , John 10:27-30 , 1 Thessalonians 5:11 , Proverbs 18:21 , Philippians 4:5-7

I Can't Help It


First Step


Gotta Go


Stay Hungry


Stuck in the Hustle

It doesn't matter what you look like, it doesn't matter what labels are thrown at you, it doesn't matter how other people judge you, Jesus just says come to me. Come to me if you're weary. Come to me if you're thirsty. I have what you've been looking for, just come to me. Just come and see. It's an invitation that will change your life. It's an invitation to be a part of something that is unstoppable.

I Feel Like I'm Not Enough

Most of us feel inadequate at some time or another, like we aren't enough or we don't have enough for what we are facing. The problem is we treat our feeling like it's a definitive fact about us, and we compound it with the voices of others who tell us that we're not enough. But it isn't true. We are always enough for God.

I'm So Anxious

Anxiety is an everybody issue. The ping of anxiety interrupts our days, our lives. Maybe it doesn’t really matter so much where our anxiety comes from; maybe what God has for us is just a better way to deal with it. What you’re worrying about 99% of the time- it doesn’t even matter.

I Feel So Purposeless

Sometimes in life we feel like we are doing so much but it getting anywhere. We’re all searching for our purpose and have trouble answering the question “why?” It’s not found in what you have or don’t have. The answer to your purpose and meaning in life starts with your heart. It’s His purpose not your plans. He’s calling you to be more like Christ. Be faithful in the little things and serve Gods people. It will lead you into a life full of meaning and purposes.

I'm So Lonely

Your circumstances apply pressure in your life that reveal what is really going on. Loneliness creeps up when no one understands us or our circumstances, and anytime we are physically, emotionally, or spiritually isolated we can fall into a lonely place. But we are not alone. God is with you. He meets you in those lonely spaces. He goes before and comes after you. Just because you can’t see him, or hear does not mean he isn’t with you. Prioritize your relationship with God and He will heal your lonely heart. “The Lord is close to the hearted and saves those crushed in spirit.”

Moving From Have to to Get to

I want my mentality to be "I Get To", not "I Have To". Happiness and joy is not found in ourselves. King David was living in a cave hiding to save his life. People flocked around him, made sacrifices for him. David had a “I Get To”, I get to offer these people what they could only get by grace. HE LOVED THEM! I get to serve Jesus, you get to serve Jesus.

The Epic Finish

Have you tasted the bitter taste of fatigue? This fight is not with people! It is with principalities, and spiritual forces. It is with the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy. It is not how you start the fight it is how you finish. Remember your identity is "You are a Victor". It is who you are. Faith is your weapon. It is how you stand! Nothing can take your faith away from you.

For All The Things

Ever feel defeated, loss of confidence, short on wisdom, need help fixing a relationship? Well, GOD has you covered, just pray. Sounds to simple, let’s remember it’s simple acts, that can make the most difference. Just start the act of prayer as your first choice each day. Prayer, it connects your heart with GOD.

The Right Gear, Part Two

The right gear for any adventure make the journey much safer, enjoyable and fun. Our life journey is no different, GOD has given us a list of “gear” needed to make our life journey much safer, enjoyable and fun as well.

The Right Gear, Part One

In part 1 of How to be Victors, we talked about the first three items needed for our journey through life and how “the right gear” makes our life adventure easier or less stressful. Here are the last three items found in Ephesians 6:14.

The Way Through the Storm

I'm not going to pretend to know if there's a purpose for this whole virus thing. I don't know what the purpose is. I think sometimes these things are just because the world is fallen and broken and it's not our forever home. But I know He has a purpose for you in the midst of the storm. Keep living by faith. Because if you keep walking in the purpose God has for you, it’ll get a little hairy, it’ll get a little weird. But you're going to be all right.

Make Way for the Waymaker

Whatever it may be, there is a way through it and there is a Way Maker who will you see you through whatever trouble life throws at you. Just make more room for Him, and if you need a new beginning make this it. Give Him your life, and He will make a way where you didn’t think there was one.

Quit Quitting

You just have to follow Him one step at a time, and God will take you somewhere bigger than you could have imagined and better than you could have prayed for. But when disappointment creeps in you’re going to feel empty, hurt, beat-up…you’re going to want to quit. When you learn that the small faithful steps will lead you to big places, that you can trust this big God that is bigger than you could have expected, that you mean something to Him…your default changes. Don’t quit.

Quit Being Afraid

God’s got a plan, and He’s saying “Will you trust me?” “Will you acknowledge my presence?” “Will you allow me to protect you?” That’s not to say that there won’t be some difficult times, some hurtful times, some painful times…but God’s going to protect you because He has a plan.

Quit Settling

Let God be the architect and builder of your life. He will sink the foundation deep, He will be unshakeable. When you step into the more that He has for you, if you place your hope in Him, if you start looking forward to the city that He has for you, that faith will drive you to more than you could have asked for.

Quit Checking Out

If we want to stay checked in, and if we want to build that relational power and be that difference-maker, we need to acknowledge what our responsibility is for engagement with people.

Quit the Games

You are enough already. If you would just realize that you don’t have to live up to all this other stuff. You don’t have to impress others so they say you’re somebody. You don’t have to fake it until you make it. If you would just realize that as you are, God sent His Son for you. And His Son died on a cross for you. How much more value do you think you can find? Why does what other people say about us matter more than that? The significance that we’ve been searching for in all the other places has been there all along.

Quit the Anger

Anger distorts your vision, and the more you indulge it the more it distorts. Maybe you’ve had some things happen in your life that angered you. And it’s easy to take that anger, and place that anger on God and then run from it. But God will still pursue you with grace so you can see Him for who He is.

Quit Wandering

Maybe instead of obsessing about your future, wandering and wondering what life’s going to look like…maybe it’s time to just take the next step towards faith. Little steps add up to a journey.

Quit the Negative

When you indulge a negative spirit, it becomes harder and harder to see the good things in your life…until you can’t see them at all. It spills over to all areas of your life, and becomes a poison.

Quit Being Owned

God will fill what you give him…so stop holding back. He’ll fill your relationships if you give them to Him. He’ll fill your workplace, He’ll fill your purpose, He’ll fill meaning into your life…if you offer them to HIm. Quit letting your circumstances own you, and quit holding back in your faith.

Quit Doing Everything

There are always things that we need to balance in life. When you try to do everything for everybody, you end up making a mess of something, When you try to do everything for everybody, it’s the important stuff that starves every time. Thankfully, there’s an easy fix…quit doing everything!

Unexpected Plans

God’s purpose can’t be interrupted, and His plans are bigger and deeper than you could ever plan for yourself. He sees past all of the junk we throw up. He sees past all the faking we do and all the facades we put up to what we actually need. He’s a good God that is preparing you for what’s ahead.

The Unexpected Journey

Maybe there’ve been times when you were headed towards the wrong thing. Maybe there’ve been times when you’ve been distracted by the little things that offer you promise and hope in the moment but end up in disappointment. Maybe your journey has looked like mine. But what I love about God is that no matter where you are on your journey with Him, He loves you.

Be the Light

Maybe your life isn’t great. Maybe you have some challenges that you face. Maybe things have been difficult for you. But maybe even in the midst of your difficult circumstances, God wants to use you to start a journey towards joy.


Maybe your stance has been weakened lately. Maybe your circumstances have you feeling a little shaky, a little uncertain. Maybe you don’t have the tools you wanted to have, or maybe you thought you’d have more tools. Maybe you thought you’d have a better station in life, a better status. But what if you could use your weak, shaky stance and your ridiculous tools, and you could depend on God for more than you could ever do on your own?


You are not a loser, you are not defeated. Your confidence and posture will grow, because God says you are more than a conqueror through Him. And you can start to experience that by just taking little steps of faith following Him. You are a masterpiece. You are chosen. And you are more than a conqueror.


When you say “Are you sure it’s me God?” It’s ok. God is patient with you, and He’s waiting for you to embrace the label “chosen” and to embrace the purpose that He has for you. He wants you to live a life of purpose and meaning in service to others. Are you in?


Maybe you look at your life and think there’s good stuff for me? Love for me? Grace for me? You don’t understand. My life can have purpose?” I can do something amazing? Nah, I’m the worst. It might be harder to see, but it’s so important to understand that God does not see you the way you see yourself.

All In

Your next steps don’t save you. Baptism doesn’t save you. Whatever next step that you’re called to take, it will lead you to beautiful places but that doesn’t save you. It doesn’t make God love you more and it doesn’t make you a better Christian…it just helps you follow Him on the journey He has laid out for you. What saves you is your faith, and believing that Jesus is who He said he is.

Going Public

Maybe it’s time to stop letting your story be defined by other things. You’re so much greater than letting your story be defined by your accomplishments. God wants to redefine your past, and your hurts, and your pains. God wants to redefine your story with the greatest story ever. And if you just place your faith in Him and the good work He has done for you, He will redefine your life and give you a new story.

Forever News

It’s part of the program. It’s part of the plan. It doesn’t look perfect and it doesn’t look great every day, but He’s constantly making the beautiful out of the mess. If you’re following Jesus, the reality of this world doesn’t disappear, but the reality of the next one becomes so beautiful. God wants to make your story beautiful here, but he also wants to make it beautiful for eternity.

The Rescue

We’re so quick to look at the destruction that we cause and blame God. And we miss that every step of the way He offers rescue. Every time. He’s never stopped. He keeps calling for you. And maybe He’s even moving in you right now reminding you that He’s coming to call you to life.

Broken Things

The greatest story is a broken story. We’ve all experienced brokenness in our own story, and we’ve all dealt brokenness because of our own faults and failures. The good news is that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.

It's Personal

Welcome to the greatest story ever! It's a personal story, because Jesus sees you, and He understands you, and He cares about you. He wants to heal your heart. And even if that's messy, even if it gets a little muddy, He will keep coming back for you. Because God is a personal God and He loves you.

The Church Trap

You ever have awkward moments in church? Any time you gather a bunch of people you can create awkwardness, because people are awkward. It gets weird because people are weird. And there are competing ideas around what church should look like and be about. How do you make sense of all that, and learn to trust a group of people that you don’t know very deeply yet? We're going to err on the side of love. We grow stronger together. We practice the greatest, because without love none of it works. We live out the hope and love we’ve experienced. We’re a church for your friends who don’t go to church.

The Isolation Trap

Healthy community gathers around Jesus with other people that are trying to follow Him. It’s a place to connect on a deeper level with God and others. It’s a place where you are known. They know your weak parts, they know your strong parts, they know where you need encouragement, they know what junk you’re walking through life with, they know what hurts you, and they help you walk through it. Healthy community is an oasis in the chaos.

The Pay Back Trap

You take the power that you had in your life and instead of placing it where it should be, you give all of your power to a past, to a wound, to someone who victimized you or who hurt you. It's time to take the power back to those who have offended you and it's time to give it to God.  Every kind of malice, every kind of bitterness and anger can take root in your heart when you are unwilling to let go, when you are seeking payback, and you won't forgive. When you cling on to those things, you make space for it to grow in your heart, then your heart becomes a breeding ground for bitterness.

The Pride Trap

While pride will weaken everything, you can beat the trap with humility. Humility leads to strength. Humility reminds me that God is God and I am not. Humility reminds me that it’s not just about me and my strength and what I can accumulate, but that there’s a God who loves me and who wants to pour blessings into my life.

The Money Trap

Money and the stuff money buys is no safe place for your identity. You’re way more important. Who you are matters so much more than what your bank account says about you. Your identity is based on what God says about you.

The Comfort Trap

Discomfort can be better. And there are some uncomfortable steps we have to take and some uncomfortable roads we have to walk that lead to way better places. They lead our souls to life, and they lead us to the life that God has for us.

The I Don't Care Trap

The best way to beat the apathy trap is to look at your deeds. If the “I don’t care trap” starts to sneak up on you…you will spot it in your action. How much effort you’re putting in. How hard you’re working. How much you’re willing to be uncomfortable to get to a better spot. You have to make a choice to fight off apathy in your life to buy something better.

The Comparison Trap

It’s such an easy trap to fall into, the comparison game. And we start looking at people and comparing their lives to our lives. And we think either (1) I don’t add up or (2) I’m better than them. But every time you play the comparison game, it starts a downward trajectory in your life.

Light It Up

We're constantly trying to light up our lives in any way that we can. Light it up with something that's constant, and not something that flares up, dwindles down and leaves a trail of smoke and ashes.



Living Enough


Finding Enough


Why Us?


Why Them?


The How


The Why