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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

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Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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Breaking The Stronghold

October 02, 2022Joshua Ott

We often don’t think about how we think, but how we think has a profound affect on our lives. Our thoughts drive our actions. To complicate things our enemy, the devil is constantly lying and trying to mess with our heads. What we need is to take a good look at our thoughts and start to take captive every though that has been keeping us captive. We need the truth. We can know the truth through Jesus. We can experience the truth through His word.


Stayed On It

October 09, 2022Joshua Ott

What steals your peace is less about the external and more about the internal. It is connected to thoughts we stay on. And we get stuck on what we stay on. Letting go of those thoughts that trap us is way easier said than done. The key is to keep our minds stayed on something else. Big faith and big trust (the kind you need to get through what you need to get through or to let go of what you need to let go of) come from having your mind stay on God.


Guarded Thoughts

October 16, 2022Joshua Ott

The peace we experience guards our hearts and minds. Unfortunately experiencing peace these days is a difficult endeavor. Most of us experience more conflict, chaos, and stress than we we experience peace. Fortunately God lays out a path for us to experience more peace in our lives. It is directly connected to how we think, because what we think always plays out in what we do. So to experience more peace we have to start with what we think about.


The Renewed Mind

October 23, 2022Joshua Ott

Even when we really want it, we struggle to change our lives. That’s because real change comes from the inside out, and we often go about it from the outside in. What we need is to transform our thinking. It would be nice just to check out, but there is no such thing as the passive middle; you are either passively conforming to a broken system or transforming to new and good places God has for you.


The Troubled Mind

October 30, 2022Joshua Ott

Sometimes we find or create our own trouble, but other times trouble just finds us. Even when we are doing everything right. And when it does, it doesn’t take much to send us spiraling. If you are struggling with your mental health right now, you aren’t alone. The Bible and this church are filled with people just like you. It may not seem like it, but there is still hope for you.


Head and Heart

November 06, 2022Joshua Ott

Trust grows with knowledge about the person or thing you place your trust in, and confidence grows with experience. It's a head and a heart thing. We have been talking so much in this series about how we think. When you engage both your mind and your heart in your journey with God, your faith really clicks, and you find yourself being more courageous, your strength grows, you are anchored, and your life is full in so many good ways. Give God your head and your heart.