We tend to think more money, a new job, or a different relationship is the key to happiness. That adding or subtracting the right elements will equal contentment. Read “everything would be perfect if only...” But contentment is not math or found in a greener pasture. It’s a state of being.
Born and raised in Schuylkill County, Josh is passionate about Grace being a church that reaches the entire county. He drives the vision, content, clarity, and leadership cohesion at our church. Josh loves old Harleys, fly-fishing, and Philly sports, but not nearly as much as a he loves spending time with his family.
Born and raised in Schuylkill County, Josh is passionate about Grace being a church that reaches the entire county. He drives the vision, content, clarity, and leadership cohesion at our church. Josh loves old Harleys, fly-fishing, and Philly sports, but not nearly as much as a he loves spending time with his family.