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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

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Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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Charles Templeton and Billy Graham: Two Men, Two World Views, Two Destinies

November 10, 2024Don Baker

In this talk, Pastor Baker explores Charles Templeton and Billy Graham and talks about their world views and destinies. It's a choice everyone must take.


The Good Shepherd

October 06, 2024Don Baker

The good shepherd wants to lead you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death to his home in heaven. He promises to be with you every step of the way. Following you with a desire to cover you with His loving kindness.


Faithfulness Through Failure

August 04, 2024Josh Daubert

We all fail. Failing is a part of life, but so is responding. How do you respond to failing? In this message, we’ll look at Peter’s story and learn how we can continue to walk in faithfulness to God, even in the midst of our failures.


Teach Me

July 14, 2024Rick Schweizer


Building on the Rock of Jesus Christ

February 18, 2024Rick Schweizer

A structure is only as sound as its foundation. So pursuing anything before God, even good and beneficial things like family or education, will eventually lead us away from Him. To stand the storms of life, our foundations must be laid on the rock. Our guest speaker shows us the importance of building our lives on Jesus—and a realistic look at living it every day.



February 04, 2024Jim Ebling

We make choices every day. Some are of little consequence. Some we make automatically. The clothes we wear, food we eat, how we spend free time, and the words we say are just a few. Today we are challenged to apply the fruits of the Spirit to our every day choices.


My Story, His Glory

August 13, 2023Josh Daubert

There’s no denying: we are short-sighted. Everyone experiences times of questioning God amidst tragedy. “If only” moments we can’t imagine anything good could follow. Things may not go how we expect, but we can always rely on the goodness of God.


A Living Sacrifice

July 16, 2023Don Baker

While the world seeks to conform us (an external change), God transforms us from the inside out. We are gifted with a fulfilling, new life when we accept God. What the world offers can never satisfy us because we are made for eternity. So living in the world can be a challenge. It takes vigilance, intention, and a renewed mind.


Responding to God’s Mercy

July 02, 2023Josh Daubert

God's compassion and mercy are beautiful and boundless. We can admire Him for that and be grateful, that it? Should we keep Him to ourselves? This talk digs deep into how God’s goodness should change our lives.


Living a Life That Demonstrates God's Great Love pt. 2

June 25, 2023Jim Williams

As Christians, we have been called by God to live a life that demonstrates His great love for man. It’s not what we look like, but how we live. It’s not presentation but perspective. It’s not an issue of appearances but of attitudes.


Living a Life that Demonstrates God's Great Love

June 18, 2023Jim Williams

As Christians, we have been called by God to live a life that demonstrates His great love for man. It’s not what we look like, but how we live. It’s not presentation but perspective. It’s not an issue of appearances but of attitudes.


The Potter and the Clay

March 05, 2023Don Baker

Is God an unrelenting tyrant? Is He a pushover? Does He waiver, making demands of us sometimes and taking an apathetic stance toward others? We know God reigns, but how? With the aid of a simple parable, this Talk reveals the extraordinary character of God and our relationship with Him.


The Holiness of God

January 22, 2023Don Baker

Understanding God’s holiness is key to knowing Him. Our culture has a tendency to downplay who God is; He’s a genie, a myth, or some distant entity we could never hope to understand. Since we aren’t equal to God, it can be challenging to view Him accurately. Let’s take a renewed look at God and His defining characteristics.


My Place in the Body of Christ

November 13, 2022Don Baker

The church needs every believer to use their gifts to change the world. We need the church as a place where we can use our gifts and so receive the blessing of the fruit of the Spirit.


Father’s Day

June 19, 2022Rick Schweizer

Father’s Day is a time of honoring fathers and celebrating their influence on families and in society. We do get left with a question though, and that is, what does a godly father look like? What are the aspects of a godly father, or a godly man? As we look throughout Scripture, we see that it is full of principles on what the good “father figure” looks like. With all these aspects mentioned, they just don’t stop at fathers, but all people are to put these on and be an example of what it means to be a godly man or woman of God!


All In

November 14, 2021Joe Henseler

Most of us want to be "all in" in whatever situation we find ourselves. Do you want God "all in" with you, or just a little? Do you want a little forgiveness, or all? We want all, but we sometimes forget that God wants all too.


Into the Storm

November 07, 2021Wayne Morgan

How many of us are asking Jesus to just bail our boat? We aren’t going to the source, we aren’t asking God to do that radical thing, we’re not at the point where we want to ask Jesus to interrupt the struggle or storms in our life.


Jesus is a Source of Grace, Not Drama

October 31, 2021Matt Saxinger

Maybe you've been judged, been kept at arm's length, been denied opportunities, been oppressed, or been an outast because of someone else's drama. Jesus is always looking to rise above the drama of others to offer you grace. Stand up, stretch out your hand and be healed.


Just Be

October 24, 2021Cedrick Brown


What's Your Goliath?

October 17, 2021Don Baker

We all face giants in our lives, and think that we can't win. Or we could do what David did and depend on God for our help. God is all-powerful and good, and He only wants what it best for you.


You’re Closer Than You Think You Are

June 27, 2021Ryan Fasnacht

Letting go of what once was is always a hard lesson, to let go means we have to face “how do we move forward?” When you are “caught up” in circumstances it is easy to lose faith in the ONE that is always there for you. God is in the business of victorious endings.


Searching For Gold

November 29, 2020Randy Ott

Our abundant life doesn't rest in what we muster up. It doesn't depend on what others can do for us. It depends upon the Lord.


You’re Closer Than You Think You Are

November 22, 2020Ryan Fasnacht

Letting go of what once was is always a hard lesson, to let go means we have to face “how do we move forward?” When you are “caught up” in circumstances it is easy to lose faith in the ONE that is always there for you. God is in the business of victorious endings.


Moving From Have to to Get to

June 28, 2020Eddie Cole

I want my mentality to be "I Get To", not "I Have To". Happiness and joy is not found in ourselves. King David was living in a cave hiding to save his life. People flocked around him, made sacrifices for him. David had a “I Get To”, I get to offer these people what they could only get by grace. HE LOVED THEM! I get to serve Jesus, you get to serve Jesus.