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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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talks by Don Baker (11)


Christmas in the Old Testament

In this talk we explore how the Old Testament foreshadowed and foretold the coming of Christ, highlighting key prophecies that point to His birth, mission, and victory over sin. The fulfillment of these prophecies in Christ underscores God's sovereign plan and assures us that Christ is the ultimate source of security and salvation.
  • December 15, 2024
  • Don Baker
  • Wonder
  • Genesis 3:15; Genesis 12:1-3; 2 Samuel 7:14; Micah 5:2; Numbers 24:17; Hosea 11:1; Jeremiah 31:15; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 9:2-7; Ephesians 1:4

Charles Templeton and Billy Graham: Two Men, Two World Views, Two Destinies

In this talk, Pastor Baker explores Charles Templeton and Billy Graham and talks about their world views and destinies. It's a choice everyone must take.

The Good Shepherd

The good shepherd wants to lead you through the Valley of the Shadow of Death to his home in heaven. He promises to be with you every step of the way. Following you with a desire to cover you with His loving kindness.

Behold Our God

Behold here is your God. This inspiring message takes an amazing look at the character of God and the great comfort we can find in knowing Him. A timely message out of Isaiah 40 for our Christmas season. In the midst of all the chaos… Behold here is your God.

A Living Sacrifice

While the world seeks to conform us (an external change), God transforms us from the inside out. We are gifted with a fulfilling, new life when we accept God. What the world offers can never satisfy us because we are made for eternity. So living in the world can be a challenge. It takes vigilance, intention, and a renewed mind.

The Potter and the Clay

Is God an unrelenting tyrant? Is He a pushover? Does He waiver, making demands of us sometimes and taking an apathetic stance toward others? We know God reigns, but how? With the aid of a simple parable, this Talk reveals the extraordinary character of God and our relationship with Him.

The Holiness of God

Understanding God’s holiness is key to knowing Him. Our culture has a tendency to downplay who God is; He’s a genie, a myth, or some distant entity we could never hope to understand. Since we aren’t equal to God, it can be challenging to view Him accurately. Let’s take a renewed look at God and His defining characteristics.

My Place in the Body of Christ

The church needs every believer to use their gifts to change the world. We need the church as a place where we can use our gifts and so receive the blessing of the fruit of the Spirit.

Why Me Lord?


What's Your Goliath?

We all face giants in our lives, and think that we can't win. Or we could do what David did and depend on God for our help. God is all-powerful and good, and He only wants what it best for you.