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Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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talks by Josh Daubert (10)


Faithfulness Through Failure

We all fail. Failing is a part of life, but so is responding. How do you respond to failing? In this message, we’ll look at Peter’s story and learn how we can continue to walk in faithfulness to God, even in the midst of our failures.

My Story, His Glory

There’s no denying: we are short-sighted. Everyone experiences times of questioning God amidst tragedy. “If only” moments we can’t imagine anything good could follow. Things may not go how we expect, but we can always rely on the goodness of God.

Responding to God’s Mercy

God's compassion and mercy are beautiful and boundless. We can admire Him for that and be grateful, that it? Should we keep Him to ourselves? This talk digs deep into how God’s goodness should change our lives.
  • July 02, 2023
  • Josh Daubert
  • Guest Speakers
  • Romans 12:1-8 , Philippians 3:20 , 2 Corinthians 5:17 , 1 Timothy 4:12 , Philippians 1:6 , 1 John 3:16

The Savior's Footsteps

As a kid on a snowy day, it can be challenging to walk in the snow. So, the easy thing to do is follow the footprints of the person in front of you. In the same way, we need to follow Jesus’ footsteps and look at His interactions with other people. The point of this message is to learn how to see people in the same way God does, and the best way we can do this is by looking at Jesus and how He saw people. Although this is not an easy thing to do, Jesus gave us an example to follow, and it is our job to follow that example.

Who am I?

Who am I? Have you ever asked that question before? Do you ever feel like you have a hard time understanding who you are? It’s not an easy thing to do. It’s easy to view ourselves through the lens of other people, through the devil’s lens, and even through our own lens. We can sometimes struggle to understand our true identity. Moses also asked the “who am I” question. He had a hard time seeing himself in the same way God did, and so do we sometimes. We need to put on God’s Glasses and see ourselves in the same way He does!


Message Info: #Judgemuch, 7/4/2021- The next message in our #BLESSED series focuses on the clarification Jesus provides for us on judging others. The two main points and steps that we need to focus on are humility and accountability. Jesus tells us that we have a plank in our own eye, so we need to humble ourselves and deal with the sin in our lives. After this, we can then help our fellow believers in removing the speck from their eyes, and this is through loving accountability.


The next message in our #BLESSED series focuses on the commands that Jesus gave us to be salt and light in our world. We may not realize this, but ANYONE can make an impact; we all have purpose. We need to live in our uniqueness and be an enhancement. We cannot keep our faith to ourselves, but we need to be a light exposing the darkness in the world. Most importantly, we are to do these things so that we can lead others to God and ultimately glorify Him through it all. You can make an IMPACT!