Message Info: #Judgemuch, 7/4/2021- The next message in our #BLESSED series focuses on the clarification Jesus provides for us on judging others. The two main points and steps that we need to focus on are humility and accountability. Jesus tells us that we have a plank in our own eye, so we need to humble ourselves and deal with the sin in our lives. After this, we can then help our fellow believers in removing the speck from their eyes, and this is through loving accountability.
- Matthew 7:1-6
- Luke 18:9-14
- James 1:19-27
- Proverbs 27:17
- Matthew 10:1-15
Josh is an Outreach Ministry graduate from Clarks Summit University, and has been a part of our church for a number of years. He previously interned for a summer at Grace Free Church, performing a variety of pastoral duties.