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Grace Cressona
Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

Grace Tremont
Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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talks in 'I See Joy Rising' (4)


The Tipping Point

A critical point in a situation beyond which a significant and unstoppable effect or change takes place. One experience can change the direction of our lives. But sometimes, that tipping point eludes us. It’s frustrating when hope never becomes a reality. In this talk, we’re looking honestly at the ultimate tipping point.

Sounds Harsh

Has a close friend ever sat you down for a sobering conversation? One that, if you weren’t talking with a friend, would have been offensive or painful? But knowing the conversation came from a deep place of concern and love, you were able to take it in the right context. Jesus spoke plainly, because of His great love for us. Knowing God’s heart is key to understanding His message.