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talks in 'Restored' (5)



We all have areas of our lives or hearts we would love to see restored. And there are practical things we can do to set us in the right space to experience restoration, but the bottom line is God does the restoring. If you have been feeling overwhelmed or like you can't handle one more thing on your mental list, this is tremendous news. God himself will restore you and make you stronger than you have ever been. All you have to do is just yield to him!

The Resistance

This is all about how we fight our battles, because when you fight wrong everything hurts more. So we don’t fight with flesh and blood, we fight knowing this is bigger than just what we see. We fight knowing we aren’t alone. We fight different. We look for the greater good. We look for the bigger win. We open up, we don’t close off. We carry each other. We pray and we worship, because a perspective shift changes everything.

Head On A Swivel

You have to keep your head on a swivel. Because the attacks can come from anywhere and when we aren’t ready for them they sting so much more. It may be part of the reality we like to ignore but you and I have an enemy who only wants to swallow us up in despair, hopelessness, bitterness and pain. God’s got a better plan. A plan that leads to restoration. Pay attention. Find your balance. Stay calm and steady and you will be ready.

Anxiety Hack

Anxiety can feel like drowning and the water and waves are everywhere. If you are sinking in anxiety, please know you are not alone. There is help for you. Social media is full of anxiety hacks that help, but this message pulls an anxiety hack out of scripture and helps us get on God’s plan for walking through it and finding a fresh and better way to deal with anxiety when it springs up on us. Just take a B.R.E.A.T.H.
  • August 28, 2022
  • Joshua Ott
  • Restored
  • 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm139:17-24; Psalm 46:10 , Isaiah 46:8-10; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; Proverbs 15:22; Proverbs 13:4

Stay Humble

Stay sounds trendy and there are motivational posts all over social media preaching the stay “humble message”, but humility isn’t really trending in our world today. In fact it seems like what we see more and more of is Pride. Humility isn’t putting yourself down it is seeing yourself in your proper place. Deeply valued but not the center of the universe. Restoration in your life or relationships starts simple: Be more humble.