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Grace Orwigsburg
Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

Grace Tremont
Sundays @ 9:30am

Grace Online
Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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talks tagged 'grace' (4)



What if you lived your life inside out? Everyone saw what was going on in your heart. In today’s talk we look at the inside out kingdom, a different way. Jesus is saying my way is different, this way to live is better and you need me. Those reminders are so great and when applied to life they show us a new path forward free of empty religion and full of grace.

Isn't It Ironic

The irony of grace is that we have it offered to us and we don’t take it, or we take it but don’t live in it. Instead we sit thinking more or better of the same broken stuff will fix our lives. Jesus offers us a new life, a full life. Time to stop holding on to things that hold us back and start trusting Him and stepping into the best life He has for us.


There are things in life we don’t want to talk about but probably should. Sin is one of those things. The conversation about sin in church, maybe in your past is usually one absent of grace. That’s a huge problem. The bottom line is sin (not just yours, all of ours) wrecks things, but God’s grace is way bigger. This message points to our need for grace and doesn’t just stop there, it celebrates grace and invites us deeper into it.

Grace Is

Good News. It is hard to see when things get difficult. We get so distracted by all the bad news. Grace is like that. It is really good news that gets lost in the shuffle of religion and our efforts to prove ourselves. Grace is beautiful and crazy and it is God’s unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor toward us. He loves us unconditionally.