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Grace Orwigsburg
Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

Grace Tremont
Sundays @ 9:30am

Grace Online
Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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talks tagged 'rest' (2)


Worn Out

Some things wear you out faster than others. Dysfunction is one of those things. It always flares up at the worst possible moments and it exhausts us on the inside. Whether it is the dysfunction of detour from God’s design, disruption from God’s plan or disappointment the fix is to find a new rhythm and space for rest. Moses had four fortunate spiritual practices that helped him find the rest and confidence he needed to move forward: spiritual rhythm, boundaries. honest relationship with God, and God’s presence.

Tired on the Inside

Rest is something God commanded us to do but we struggle to find new space to really rest and so many of us are tired on the inside. This talk looks at a Psalm King David wrote in the midst of despair. This is the reality and reminder we need as we all look to find rest.