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Grace Orwigsburg
Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

Grace Tremont
Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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talks in 'I Quit' (10)


Quit Quitting

You just have to follow Him one step at a time, and God will take you somewhere bigger than you could have imagined and better than you could have prayed for. But when disappointment creeps in you’re going to feel empty, hurt, beat-up…you’re going to want to quit. When you learn that the small faithful steps will lead you to big places, that you can trust this big God that is bigger than you could have expected, that you mean something to Him…your default changes. Don’t quit.

Quit Being Afraid

God’s got a plan, and He’s saying “Will you trust me?” “Will you acknowledge my presence?” “Will you allow me to protect you?” That’s not to say that there won’t be some difficult times, some hurtful times, some painful times…but God’s going to protect you because He has a plan.

Quit Settling

Let God be the architect and builder of your life. He will sink the foundation deep, He will be unshakeable. When you step into the more that He has for you, if you place your hope in Him, if you start looking forward to the city that He has for you, that faith will drive you to more than you could have asked for.

Quit Checking Out

If we want to stay checked in, and if we want to build that relational power and be that difference-maker, we need to acknowledge what our responsibility is for engagement with people.

Quit the Games

You are enough already. If you would just realize that you don’t have to live up to all this other stuff. You don’t have to impress others so they say you’re somebody. You don’t have to fake it until you make it. If you would just realize that as you are, God sent His Son for you. And His Son died on a cross for you. How much more value do you think you can find? Why does what other people say about us matter more than that? The significance that we’ve been searching for in all the other places has been there all along.

Quit the Anger

Anger distorts your vision, and the more you indulge it the more it distorts. Maybe you’ve had some things happen in your life that angered you. And it’s easy to take that anger, and place that anger on God and then run from it. But God will still pursue you with grace so you can see Him for who He is.

Quit Wandering

Maybe instead of obsessing about your future, wandering and wondering what life’s going to look like…maybe it’s time to just take the next step towards faith. Little steps add up to a journey.

Quit the Negative

When you indulge a negative spirit, it becomes harder and harder to see the good things in your life…until you can’t see them at all. It spills over to all areas of your life, and becomes a poison.

Quit Being Owned

God will fill what you give him…so stop holding back. He’ll fill your relationships if you give them to Him. He’ll fill your workplace, He’ll fill your purpose, He’ll fill meaning into your life…if you offer them to HIm. Quit letting your circumstances own you, and quit holding back in your faith.

Quit Doing Everything

There are always things that we need to balance in life. When you try to do everything for everybody, you end up making a mess of something, When you try to do everything for everybody, it’s the important stuff that starves every time. Thankfully, there’s an easy fix…quit doing everything!