Every party has one, and this one represents the critics Jesus was addressing in these parables. The scary thing is the older brother was the other lost one in the passage. His sin was hidden, his pride was out of control, he didn’t love the father just the father’s stuff. There are however a few checks we can keep in front of us to help us keep tabs on our own hearts and whoever you are God still wants you to experience the party.
This message talks about what is referred to as the hardest ethic from Christ - How to respond to those who hurt you and loving others even your enemies. This is so hard because wrongs hurt and deep inside us there is a call for justice, for life to be fair. Sometimes this translates into the desire to hurt the person back. The law of retribution is flawed and will sink you. Jesus shows us a better way that elevates you and elevates your relationships.
Good News. It is hard to see when things get difficult. We get so distracted by all the bad news. Grace is like that. It is really good news that gets lost in the shuffle of religion and our efforts to prove ourselves. Grace is beautiful and crazy and it is God’s unmerited, unearned, and undeserved favor toward us. He loves us unconditionally.