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Grace Orwigsburg
Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am

Grace Tremont
Sundays @ 9:30am

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Sundays @ 9:30 and 11:00am
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talks in 'How to be Victors' (8)


The Epic Finish

Have you tasted the bitter taste of fatigue? This fight is not with people! It is with principalities, and spiritual forces. It is with the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy. It is not how you start the fight it is how you finish. Remember your identity is "You are a Victor". It is who you are. Faith is your weapon. It is how you stand! Nothing can take your faith away from you.

For All The Things

Ever feel defeated, loss of confidence, short on wisdom, need help fixing a relationship? Well, GOD has you covered, just pray. Sounds to simple, let’s remember it’s simple acts, that can make the most difference. Just start the act of prayer as your first choice each day. Prayer, it connects your heart with GOD.

The Right Gear, Part Two

The right gear for any adventure make the journey much safer, enjoyable and fun. Our life journey is no different, GOD has given us a list of “gear” needed to make our life journey much safer, enjoyable and fun as well.

The Right Gear, Part One

In part 1 of How to be Victors, we talked about the first three items needed for our journey through life and how “the right gear” makes our life adventure easier or less stressful. Here are the last three items found in Ephesians 6:14.